God does not play dice with the cosmos.
Albert Einstein
My First Page
Web Site Dedication
We take daylight for granted. But moonlight is another matter. It is inconstant. The full moon wanes and returns again. Clouds may obscure it to an extent to which they cannot obscure daylight. Water is necessary to us, but a waterfall is not. Where it is to be found it is something extra, a beautiful ornament. We need daylight and to that extent it is utilitarian, but moonlight we do not need. When it comes, it serves no necessity. It transforms. It falls upon the banks and the grass, separating one long blade from another; turning a drift of brown, frosted leaves from a single heap to innumerable flashing fragments; or glimmering lengthways along wet twigs as though light itself were ductile. Its long beams pour, white and sharp, between the trunks of trees, their clarity fading as they recede into the powdery, misty distance of beech woods at night. In moonlight, two acres of coarse bent grass, undulant and ankle deep, tumbled and rough as a horse's mane, appear like a bay of warves, all shadowy troughs and hollows. The growth is so thick and matted that even the wind does not move it, but it is the moonlight that seems to confer stillness upon it. We do not take moonlight for granted.
Richard Adams
Watership Down
This is the first page of my Book of Shadows, and I thought it would be very appropriate for this site as well. Many years have passed since I first started this site and many life events have occured as well. My biggest so far is producing a fabulous teenager and staying married. Others include finishing my first batchelor's degree and deciding on going for another. I am struggling with weight loss, but have managed to take off 40 lbs. I had to learn that Life is what you make of it, not what you wish could have happened. My biggest internal change is realizing that I have decided to refuse to be labled and now just call myself a spiritual humanist. I have finally learned how to meditate and practice Tai C'hi, and rediscoved past passions and causes. Never give up!
What is the purpose of this Web Site??
With all the other Witch web sites, it is not necessary to describe what Witchcraft is or is not. This page is dedicated to those who have chosen the Spiral path and need some guidance. I know that when I started, I had to create my own version of spirituality and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I cannot remove the doubts others may have, but maybe by addressing the causes of them, I can help others to deal with them in a constructive way. I do not give out spells. I will be happy to explain the tools and methods involved, but I regard this as a personal aspect of my worship, and what works for me...well...it probably won't work for you anyway. I am not Wiccan. I am an eclectic Pagan, and while I read about different paths, I have created my own unique way to worship the Lord and Lady. I don't know where this site will end (I don't expect it ever will), but I eagerly await the journey.
The Brightest Blessings upon your house and home, and may the Fates favor you.
atropo goldfyre
To flip through the pages of my BOS faster...