Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog:
Nobody really enjoys it and the frog generally dies as a result.


Odin is the Father of the Norse Gods. Through Him, the others came into being (except Loki who comes from the giants) and to Him go all the great warriors who die on the battle field. His great hall, Valhalla, is where warriors would gather to train for Ragnorok while eating of the eternal boar and be served by the valient Valkeries. Every morning He would send out His ravens Hugin and Munin to gather the daily news so He could meditate upon it.

He possesed the great spear Gungnir which would never miss its mark and the ring Draupner which created nine copies of itself every day. This ring is what Odin placed upon Baldor's burial mound, and is to be returned by Baldor upon His return from the dead. Sleipner is the great eight legged horse that is faster than the wind and can travel to the relms of the dead and back.

Odin is regarded as the Father of thought and wisdom, and is credited with the finding of the sacred runes. He hung Himself from the great world tree Yggdrasil for nine days and plucked the now visible runes from the water below. Giving up His eye, He now tends the great well of wisdom Mimir, which is located at one of the roots of Yddraisil and this well is actually the head of a wise God/Giant that knows the future. Odin goes everyday to consult with Mimir, and knows that on the day of Ragnorok this great source of wisom will fail.

Odin's wife is the beautiful Goddess Frigga (not to be confused with Freya) and loves to walk among mortals in middle-earth. At Ragnorok He is destined to kill the great wolf Fenris, but will die by Fenris at the same time. He is the great leader of warriors, and half of all warriors come to His great hall (The other half claimed by Freya). He is the hanged God, and those who petition Him by sacrificing their lives by hanging themselves are especially favored. Oaths are sacred to Him, and oath-breakers can expect terrible retributions.

Odin is portraid as an older man with only one eye and wearing a battered hat and traveler's cloak. He is often accompanied by Thor or Loki and often travels on His horse Sleipner.

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