After viewing so many wonderful sites on the web, I decided to create my own award. AND! For your added convience, I put up a form so it would be really easy!
The rules are:
Your site does not have to be Pagan in nature, but it does have to show your own quest for personal knowledge. Hence an Atheist can win just as well as a Christian site.
No hate-filled sites. Ever. Nada. In other words...don't waste my time.
No pages full of just links will be considered. I want to see some creativity, and that includes stuff from YOU!
Your page must be easy to read. This is a biggie for me. I hate pages where the background and text blend together so neatly, that the site is unreadable.
Under Construction is tolerable so long as it shows signs it is being worked on. If the sign is up for more than a week, I will not consider the site.
Your site must show signs of updating. Don't tell me you discovered everthing there is to know in only a few months...If I like your page, I will visit it several times, and I want to see that someone lives there.
Want extra Brownie Points? Sign my guestbook. I check it everyday, and I go to all the sites listed. If you wanna get in good with me, ya gotta leave your John Hancock. It's not required, but every bit counts!
Bonus points for creativity. Use your imagination and dazzle me.
If I can bother to check all my links regularly, then so can you. I will forgive one broken link, and due to differances in browsers, the occasional broken image, but if I keep getting the 404Error message, I will become greatly annoyed and leave. This means you need to check your Favorite Links also. If you like them, I will check them out to see if they work and if I may like them also.
If you use frames, and "trap" others in them (ie: I go to another page, and your frames are still there around the new page), I will disqualify you. Few things irk a nerve with me more than being trapped in someone elses page. If you are going to use frames, please be responsible with them.
Heck, I just gotta love it!
I have a new award that cannot be applied for. Well, maybe if you leave a friendly note in the guestbook...
And the Winners Are!!!
All Things Pagan
The Adventures of Barely Mouse
Response-O-Matic Form