"Do or do not. There is no try."
Yoda...all-wise Jedi Master

The Witche's Pyramid

To Know

To Will

To Dare

To Be Silent

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Now, with this, we begin to get into spell casting. This Pyramid is the most basic way to design a spell. I first found it in To Stir a Magick Cauldron by Silver RavenWolf but have since found it in multiple areas. It helps reaffirm why you are bothering to cast a spell in the first place.

To know...what you want, why you want it, and that you can do it.

To Will...this is the belief aspect. You believe you are capable of this, you know what your skill level is, you also know that you can make a mistake and will try again

To Dare...Do you have the guts to handle it? Can you handle it? Deal with the consequences?

To Be Silent...Before/after, keep it to your self. Look at it this way, do you want other energies messing with what you did? Also, if no one knows, it becomes a lot easier to fix something if the spell goes wrong. (Fix it if it is broken!)

I found it to be a great way to check a spell if I ran through the Pyramid first. Consider it a great method of Checks and Balances. If I found I was weak somewhere, I knew exactly what to fix. For example, when I first started, I would bounce into the bedroom and proudly announce that I cast my spell. Being naturally curious, my husband would ask what, and I would tell him. Being naturally critical, he would smile and pat my head. Needless to say, it will burst your bubble to be pat on the head. **POP!** there goes the spell. Now I keep it to myself and I do know they are much more effective that way! So, go over some of your spells, and find out where you need to shore them or shave them.

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Brightest of Blessings