"Others can stop you temporarily
~only you can do it permanently."
(Dr. Robert Anthony)

Under 18

Under the Age 18? Here are some basic facts you need to read BEFORE you email me! These are some of the common questions and requests I have gotten over time, all answered in one spot. You might as well read them, 'cause I will email the whole list to you if you don't!

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1. Um, I am 13/14/15/16/17 years old and...
Stop right there! As soon as I see this line, the first line of my email will be me explaing that I cannot legally help/teach you ANYTHING unless I get parental permission or you have parental permission. Being under 18 means being a minor in the eyes of the law, and that law is very clear on protecting the parents rights to raise their children. It's not an evil law, but it is there to protect children who do not have enough worldly experience to make sound choices. Being under 18 means you gotta do what your parents tell you to do. Does this mean you cannot choose what you will believe in? No, but it does mean: you gotta do what your parents tell you to do. As a parent, I am very glad such a law is in place, giving me the option to teach my child my ways first so she can choose hers later. Just remember, I cannot go around this law, and as a Pagan with a conscience..I won't.

2. What should I read for more information?
Easy. Are you paying attention in school? If not, you better start because an educated Witch is a powerful Witch. The ancient Druids used to study for 20 years before becoming true advisors. Nowadays it doesn't take as long because we all have 12 years of public or private education. Just think of what we know now versus what they had to learn then. If a little knowledge goes a long way, image where 12 years of knowledge can send you. At the least, your library should include science, English, math, art, history and other textbooks at the high school level (at least) and college level at most. Womens, mens, and cultural studies should be included along with some enviornmental and animal concerns. There are plenty of other reading material for aspiring Wiccan/Pagan initiates, just go to a local bookstore and head for the New Age section. Check for Starhawk, Cunningham, SilverWolf titles, and use the bibliographys at the back of the books.

3. I saw the move "The Craft" or "Practical Magic"...
For Goddess sake: Sending me this statement will result in me giving you a ten page paper on why movies ARE NOT reality. If you want real Pagan living, open your window and smell the air, listen to birds singing, eat a watermelon or touch a piece of purple velvet. THAT is reality. I mean come on! If I could fly, would I own a car?

4. I know some kids at school that curse Christianity and draw blood.
Those would be Satanists wanna be's. Pagans do not draw the blood of anyone, animal or human, and regard it as violating a fundamental belief in the sacredness of life. Hangin' with crowds like that are a surefire guarantee you will get into a relm of legal trouble you really do not want to explain to your parents. Now, some women will use their menstral blood for spells or ritual, but that is a natural function of the female body, and no cutting is necessary. As a general rule, if someone claims to be Wiccan or Pagan and drinks/draws blood for spellwork, they are not Pagan/Wiccan and should be avoided like the bubonic plague.

5. Can I have a love/beauty/money spell?
Sure, right after you give me a 1000 page paper outlining and defining ethics and acceptable human endevors. My suggestion? Bathe, use deoterant and get a job. Spells are not meant to solve your problems, they are there to give structure to you actually accomplishing something. I may cast a money spell, then I bust my butt to get a raise. Remember, "God feeds the birds, but He doesn't throw the food into the nest".

6. Why can't I cast a love spell?
Picture this scenerio in reverse with a really sleazy guy/girl who wants you to be their love slave. They have no problem with destroying your free will, and work to make sure you can't think straight for yourself. Still want that love spell? If you want to attract a member of the opposite sex, start with yourself. Clean up, respect yourself and brush your teeth regularly. Only by taking pride in yourself, will the right person notice you. At that point, the rest is up to you and maybe Ann Landers.

7. Why do Witches cast circles?
The easiest way to explain this: Christians go to church, Jews go to temple, Witches cast circles. Circles are cast to create a safe and protected boundry so spells and rituals can be cast without attracting or sending undo energy. The process is started with created Sacred Space by cleansing and consecrating the area. Next, the quarters are called (guardians or elements who oversee the process and if They feel like it, help protect the circle). Then the ritual is held with all pomp and circumstance or simple bread and beverages. Finally, the circle is closed so as to send the energy back into the Universe to be used again or where it will do the most good. This is serious business to Witches and not to be taken lightly.

8. I have been having these feelings...
Hormones aside, these are the prime years to start questioning authority and the "given law". It's all perfectly natural, and some people even use this time to re-examine their beliefs and decide to not change religions after all. It becomes a time to balance what you feel with what you believe. In fact, you may decide to become Wiccan in your teen years and later return to your childhood religion in your twenties because how you view the world changes as you become older. Just remember to not burn your bridges behind you, and treat other religions with respect because you never know...you might become a member of that faith.

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Brightest of Blessings