America is a large friendly dog in a small room.
Every time it wags its tail it knocks over a chair. -- Arnold Toynbee


Vishnu is one of the three gods of the Trimurti. Vishnu is the Hindu God of protection and maintenance. He is all merciful and rushes to protect those who follow Him. He balances right and wrong and is regarded as the preserver of the universe.

He is shown being the colour blue and with four arms. The arms hold either chakra, a conch, lotus or a gadha. On the physical plane He represents the mental element, on the on the mental plane He is intelligence, and on the Earthly plane He is the sun. He is regarded as the second phase of a person's life, adulthood and responsibilites. He has come to Earth in nine known forms, or avatara, and is believed to have one form yet to fill. These avatars were Matsya (fish), Kurma (tortoise), Varaha (boar ), Nara-simha (man-lion), Vamana (dwarf), Parashurama (a powerful warrior), Rama, Krishna, Buddha and (the yet unknown) Kalki (white horse).

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