"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old;
seek what they sought."


Description: Water is a clear liquid consisting of Hydrogen and Oxygen. It is essential to life on our planet, and is a prime requirement for life on any other planet.

History: Water has been used in various ways throughout history. Not just for bathing and drinking, it has served in religious functions, being blessed by priests/esses of numerous denominations and has been the home of various Gods, Goddesses, and kings. Aphrodite can be seen forming from the sea, and if it was not for the ocean, travel between continents in the ancient world would not have been possible. During the Colonial time in America, water was considerd a bad beverage to drink, not being brewed for freshness, but today we recognize its necessary role in the continuation of our planet.

Parts used: Well water, lakes, streams, brooks, city lines, and ocean water.

Usages: Multiple. Fill aquariums, wash cars, wash kids, clean bodies, drink, etc. Water flushes out impurites in the body and helps regulate everything from body temperature to kidney function. When sick, drink extra water to keep from a hospital trip to get rehydrated. When you are really thirsty and nothing helps...your body is trying to tell you to get it some water. Headache problems? Often times it is the glass of water that helps your headache and not the aspirin!

Growing your own: Well water is good, but make sure the supply is clean and uncontaminated!

Magickal properties: Used to consecrate items, this is one of the four planetary elements. Used for ritual baths and showers.

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Water Recipes

WARNING: The only warnings are to make sure your water is free from contaminants. Have it tested for lead and other impurites! If in doubt, don't drink and buy bottled water!

I love lemon water! To a glass of iced water, add one or two lemon wedges. Drink and enjoy!

For your health, drink 6-8 glasses a day. This keeps you from dehydration. The uses are so great...do you really need more ideas?

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Brightest of Blessings