"No legacy is so rich as honesty."
-William Shakespeare

Web Tips
All the HTML in the world means nothing without some basic web preparations. Design, planning and common sense. Here are some precious-as-diamonds word of advice for creating a web page that people want to return to again and again.
1. Check your spelling. Then check it again. Heck, try a third time. Bad spelling is not classy. It breaks the momentum of any page.
2. Check your grammer. Then check it again. And then again. Same as number 1.
3. Punctuation. Check...you get the drill...
4. Your background and your text SHOULD NOT be the same color. I am always amazed at people who do not know that.
5. Choose a neutral background. Neon tye-dyed or anything over two colors is downright annoying, not to mention it makes text UNREADABLE!!
6. Do not mix uncapitalized and capitalized letters in a word. It is AnNoYiNg.
7. Things are not "Kewl" And I do not "Cum" to pages because of it.
8. Some animation is fine. A lot of animation slows my server and causes me to leave your site. EVERY TIME!
9. I don't mind music. Just be aware it can bog down slower modems.
10. Some profanity is okay. Just do not use a foul word as a verb, adverb, adjective, noun, pronoun and direct object in the same sentance.
11. Keep contractions to a minimum. It seems formal, but it does make the page easier to read.
12. Speaking of contractions... Make sure you know what you are contracting. Your and You're are NOT the same thing. Neither are their and they're or were and we're.
13. Teeny fonts make those of us with glasses look for Tylenol. Usually as we are hitting our back buttons.
14. I hate prompts asking me to update to the newest bells and whistles on the web. I do not like Comet Cursor, who cares if I have Cresendo 4.4 billion, and NO I will not download your font. It cheeses me off and I leave your site.
15. When I visit your site, why do I have to have the open mind?
16. If I wanted to visit a site of only links, I would use Lycos.
17. If you have a background with a border, use a table for your site. This way, those of us with large monitors do not have to squint at the text that overlaps the border.
18. Please plan the layout of your page. Try to not use random placement of images and text, it becomes confusing otherwise.
19. Chat speak on AIM is fine. Chat speak on your website shows lacks depth and creativity.

To flip through the pages of my BOS faster...
