"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein
My Pagan Beliefs
If there is one thing I have learned...your religion boils down to what you believe. I am a Pagan. I believe in the Old Gods and performing magick...but more on that later. Now I am talking about belief. If there weren't so so many ways to worship the Gods, we wouldn't have so many books, debates, and conflicts. Discussions about what one person believes versus what another believes is essential to determining HOW to believe. Open communication is essential to learning, and learning is essential to growth. Who knows? Maybe by talking to someone who differs from your belief system will give you a new idea about how to do something. What I am trying to say is...there is no such thing as a "set" way to worship anything. How I believe is probably very different from the way you do or will. All I ask is for you to have an open mind and an open heart. What follows is my interpretation of witchcraft. It is my heartfelt beliefs and practices, with no claim to anyone but The God and Goddess. After all...They are the reason we are here anyway. I also should say that I am not Wiccan. I am Pagan, and as such have some different beliefs and practices. Not good or bad, just...different. Blessings upon your house and home.
I do not believe in or follow the Christian entity known as "Jesus Christ", and as such, I do not believe in or follow the Christian entity known as "Satan" or "Lucifer". Good and evil are moral concepts that exist within ourselves, and are not caused by outside cosmic influences. Therefore, the concept "The devil made me do it" is untrue as well as the concept "God does good deeds through me." We choose our own path and destiny, and in the end, are held accountable for our own actions.
I worship the feminine as well as the masculine. I acknowledge that one cannot exist without the other no more than a child can be conceived by only one parent. I worship the Goddess and God in their many aspects and believe neither is superior to the other. I call upon the many names of each as needed, and realize that the names are but aspects of the ONE.
I acknowledge the concept of magick. I believe that everything contains energy and that this energy can be controlled and directed by use of free will and ritual. I also believe that magick is not trivial and is never to be taken lightly.
I believe in the concept of "The Soul" and acknowledge its presence in the universe. I believe it is the center of all beings and comes out in our personality. It cannot be destroyed and is unique to each person.
I acknowledge nature as being a living creature. It is neither good or evil. It is neutral and not subservient to me. We must respect and preserve it, for in our ignorance, we destroy that which we do not always deserve.
I believe that there is no one way to enlighntenment. Each must follow his or her own path and I have no moral right to determine what another should believe.
I have religious rituals known as Sabbats and Esbats. They are cycles of the year that celebrate life. I celebrate the Sabbats to connect myself with the cycle of life and death and use the Esbats to connect myself with the Goddess.
I do not follow the Wiccan rule of the return of three. I do believe that what is given will be received, and good returns good as well as bad returns bad. I also believe that magick can be used to protect myself and family, and will not hesitate to do so.
I believe in Karma and Fate, but that our paths are determined by our choices and not some unknown force.
I believe that I have the right to change my mind and beliefs as I continue on my path. What I see tomorrow might be changed by even greater personal knowledge and wisdom.
To flip through the pages of my BOS faster...
What is this??