"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth--
and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up--
that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."
--Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Redefining a Witchy Life

dividerIf you were to pass me on the street, would you know I was a Witch? Even if you knew about my Pagan site on the Web, and were meeting me for the first time face-to-face, would you accept the fact I was a Witch? Can you come to terms with a non-skinny person (okay, Buddah figure) in old jeans and worn sneakers who pays bills late, raises a normal child and hates house cleaning with a passion as being a Witch? Would I fulfill what you would expect a Witch to be? At first glance, would I fail to meet your expectations? Just what does make a Witch...a Witch? Is it the simple claim to the Universe that I am one or is it jewelery, hair, clothes, language or simply the way we carry ourselves in the face of the world at large? When we toss about the term "Witch" do we carry a pre-conceived notion of what that term means with us? As part of the Pagan community, perhaps it is time to reafirm what we call ourselves.

Being called a Witch is as much an identity as as an aspect of religion. It is the realization that we no longer live as single organism in an imperfect world, but as part of a greater whole who exists to preserve Nature in all Her forms...including Mankind. While it would be really wonderful to live in a huge old house in the middle of the forest so one could listen to the wind, rain and crickets, let's face it. We would go crazy without human interaction. We exist for each other so we can exist with each other. As a Witch, I can begin to see all this, and find my place in the Universe. But why do I have to be a Witch to do so? Is it the special provence of only the Pagans to realize we all exist in a symbiotic balance with each other? Why can't this knowledge apply to everybody?

dividerHuman nature by definition is imperfect. Sometimes we cannot see the ends of our noses because of the speck in our eye. We live in a state of constant flux, learning hard lessons alternating with times of peace, hoping to have lived life in a "proper" and "self respecting" manner so as not to horrify our parents and grandparents. We know we are not perfect, and as such, have become quite good at covering our mistakes. We want to live our lives so they have purpose and direction. We want to leave behind something of ourselves, some piece of immortality so others can look at it and marvel. We want to live forever. Of course, we cannot live forever and who would want to? Immortality is the pipe dream of the young, and as we grow older, we take comfort that we will not live forever and that we will be able to put down our troubles and woes. But when we reach for Death's hand, will we feel as if we lived our lives to have meaning? How do we know? What do we use as the yardstick to measure one's life and worth. And so we come to the term "Witch"

Being called a Witch can be more like a title at times, like being a CEO of some big corporation. And like a CEO, there are some assumed responsibilites in ones position like: perfoming magick, hugging trees, recycling and healing stuff. But can this title also be misleading in form or function, clouding reality? Do all Witchs perfom magick, hug trees, heal or recycle? And if they don't, are they still Witches? It would seem that if they cannot reach par, they would be removed, but that is far from the case. Being a Witch is so much more than casting spells or healing. It is about respecting yourself and believing in yourself. It is about realizing you as a person have value and that you can live your life with meaning and dignity. A Witch may spend her whole life never casting a spell, yet be the most fulfilled Witch in existence. In such a case, being called a "Witch" is nothing more than a label, explaining nothing and missing everything. I think we would all rather leave behind such a label and strive towards a more expressive form of Witch, not a religious aspect, but a more philosophical form. One that can truly explain who and what we are. There are hundreds of explainations of what Witchcraft is, but how does one determine what being a Witch truly means? When you think about it, what about being a Christian, Jew, Muslem, Islamic or Atheist. What defines who and what you want to be known as? Is there a small jewel at the center that shines with truth and knowledge, and would mankind recognize it if seen?

dividerI figure that if you live it, you are it. The nice thing about being a Pagan is I get to define the "it" aspect. I don't always recycle, but I defend freedom of speech, I don't have any trees to hug, but I make desserts for my family, I haven't cast a spell in months but I ask the Gods to keep friends and family safe in Their arms. I am very much a Witch, not as a label but as a way of living life. I make mistakes, pay bills late and forget birthdays, but I know who I am and have decided to keep striving to realize my potential. My goal is that when I reach for Death's hand, I will feel as if I accomplished something with my life, that I did alright with what I had. I have decided to use being a Witch as a pattern for living my life to reach my goals and dreams. In such a case, being called a Witch is to recognize that how I live life will determine how I leave life. Not a bad jewel to look at. Not at all. In fact, it shines all the brighter with each new bit of wisdom I learn, and makes me what to show it to others so they can find their own jewel. Not by converting others mind you, but by letting how I live be an example for others to follow. Only by putting ourselves up for public inspection, by surviving questioning and ridicule can we become secure in what we belive as a whole. That is how I have determined I want to stay as a Pagan, and how others have determined to stay of their faith. They have stood their ground, acknowledged their weaknesses and moved on. You don't have to be perfect to belive, but you do have to believe you can succeed.

Looking at it that way, being a Witch as a way of life superceeds all titles and labels. It becomes a blueprint for accepting ones life and eventual death with interesting side trips here and there. It may even involve changing ones religion to something else or giving up religion all together and simply calling oneself a Son or Daughter of Mankind. Anyway it is looked at, each person must claim the word "Witch" for him/herself and make it their own. They will have to turn the word over in their hands, heads and hearts. Chew on it. Digest it. Then live it. Only then can the word Witch be truly defined. Not by man or society, but by joyous life itself. All the jewelery, rocks, crystals, tarot cards and schtick is simply dressing, the real show is what it it covering. So remember, what you call yourself has a sneaky way of coming back to haunt you. If you call yourself a Witch, be prepared to live it because it really does show from within. Embrace your life choices as how you determine a Witch to be. Rejoice in it. Let it shine.

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Brightest of Blessings