The Orli Times

This is the latest on Orli! If you know anything that's not already on here, please email me!

*Orli is going to be appearing in a Movie with Heath Ledger! WOW! That'll be a treat! The movie is called "The Kelly Gang". Heath will be playing the gang leader, Ned Kelly, and Orli will be playing his best friend.

*Orli will STAR in "The Calcium Kid". It's about a British milkman who is picked to serve as a replacement boxer in a big fight against the U.S. Champ. WOW. Sounds...ORLI'S IN IT!!!!

*Orli is NOT in the movie Al G in da House. That was a mistake on my part! Sorry about that!

*The second Lord Of The Rings movie The Two Towers will be shown in theaters mid December!

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