<<< Huia ~
the strikingly beautiful, magical bird.
The huia is an ancient wattle bird. The male and female have different shaped bills, and each long glossy-black tail feather is tipped with a band of white. The huia was tapu ~ sacred above all other birds ~ and only high ranking chiefs were able to wear the prized tail feathers.
With european arrival these quiet and curious birds, unaccustomed to enemies, became increasingly sought after as objects of beauty. They were killed in large numbers and sent as museum pieces around the world.
By the 1880s Maori chiefs became concerned and began a movement to try and save the huia. Supported by the governor of New Zealand (thankfully an enlightened lover of nature!) sanctuary islands were established and a tapu was placed on the killing of any huia.
Oh no!!!!
In 1901 during an official welcome for the visiting Duke of York (future king George V) a high ranking Maori woman took a huia feather from her hair and placed it in the band of the duke's hat, showing that he was regarded as a great chief. |