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Jessi's favourite part of the House at Pooh Corner, after playing Poohsticks with Kerry at the herb farm, is this....

Now one day Pooh and Piglet and Rabbit and Roo were all playing Poohsticks together. They had dropped their sticks in when Rabbit said "Go!" and then they had hurried across to the other side of the bridge, and now they were all leaning over the edge, waiting to see whose stick would come out first. But it was a long time coming, because the river was very lazy that day, and hardly seemed to mind if it didn't ever get there at all.
"I can se mine!" cried Roo. "No, I can't, it's something else. Can you see yours, Piglet? I thought I could see mine, but I coldn't. There it is! No it isn't. Can you see yours, Pooh?"
"No," said Pooh.
"I expect my stick's stuck," said Roo. "Rabbit, my stick's stuck. Is your stick stuck, Piglet?"
"They always take longer than you think," said Rabbit.
"How long do you think they'll take?"asked Roo.
"I can see yours, Piglet," said Pooh suddenly.
"Mine's a sort of greyish one," said Piglet, not daring to lean to far over in case he fell in.
"Yes, that's what I can see. It's coming over on to my side."
Rabbit leant over furher than ever, looking for his, and Roo wriggled up and down, calling out "Come on stick! Stick, stick, stick!" and Piglet got every excited because his was the only one which had been seen, and that meant that he was winning.
"It's coming!"said Pooh.
"Are you sure it's mine?"squeaked Piglet excitedly.
"Yes, because it's grey. A big grey one. Here it comes! A very-big- grey-Oh, no, it isn't, it's ...


... it's Eeyore."
And out floated Eeyore.
"Eeyore!" cried everybody.
Looking very calm, very dignified, with his legs in the air, came Eeyore from beneath the bridge.
"It's Eeyore!" cried Roo, terribly excited.
"Is that so?" said Eeyore, getting caught up by a little eddy, and turning slowly roung three times."I wondered."

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