The Shrine
by John William Waterhouse
P l a n e t E a r t h and M y B e l i e f s
~ part one ~
**our intrinsic connection to nature**
I believe that we are very much a part of nature ~ we ARE nature~ but that many people have disconnected from it in their daily lives...or delegate it into a corner for holiday time, when in fact nature is anytime and always around us. I don't see people as being somehow apart from nature and all other species, or make assumptions on the superiority of say humans over other animals, or plants, not at all!! I believe in the intelligence of our planet as a whole, natural system.
I like to take the time to appreciate the stars, the moon ~ I like following the moon's cycle and the seasons, taking note and comfort from where we are in the cycle of days....I like to grow and use herbs, wildflowers, or even simple household food items for everyday remedies for colds, headaches, cuts and burns, etc...a natural first aid kit at hand, and fun and pleasing too!!
Many synthetic, drug company products have their origins in nature. For example, aspirin has a complex and detoured history, but the effective ingredient is salicin, a salicylate, and found in the bark and leaves of the willow tree... yes, nature :-)
I like going out into my garden and picking a salad of herbs and edible flowers... it's a much more pleasant and 'alive' way to prepare
dinner... to be outside, with nature... I like the weather phenomena that nature reveals to us and which enliven our days... I like rainbows, and rain, hailstorms, thunder and lightning (!!), mists, dew, fog, wind, and sun... from photography I fell in love with light and it's changing properties... I love twilight and dawn, sunsets, distant blue hill colour...(midday light is harsh)
I like special, sometimes rare, gems
like meteor showers, aurora, and the 'mysterious green flash', the brilliant green flash of light seen just before the sun rises or just after it sets but only under
special conditions, making us feel precious and lucky when we do see it... I like the beauty of dewdrops and spider webs in early morning light, I like birdsong and ocean
sounds, the sounds of wind, and trees, gentle waters in forests...
I like sitting on the backstep by the lavender bush, watching the bees and butterflies... we like growing plants and flowers that they like, and the birds like
This connection to nature, combined with love, which by the way is not just for 'lovers' but is as varied and essential as
friendships, life partnerships, parenthood, love for animals, love for trees! love for the moon!...and combined with thought, pursuit of
knowledge, good health and laughter, and provided the
basic necessities are covered, like food and shelter, .... with
these life items met I am happy and complete :-)
~ part two ~
**on spirituality**