Rossano Brazzi Article Library: Television

Catalog NumberSubjectTitle of ArticleSource, Author and DateDescription
0400.600227 The Dinah Shore Show, "Rossano Brazzi and Dinah Shore" Baltimore Sunday American T-Vue Times February 7-February 13, 1960 Cover photo, to advertise his appearance on her program. This appears to be the second of two appearances.
0400.600411 The June Allyson Show, 4/11/60 June Allyson by June Allyson, GP Putnam & Sons, 1982; Berkley Books, 1983 Excerpt from her book, mentioning that she used stars from her movies for The June Allyson Show. 4 pages. One mention of Rossano Brazzi, name only.
0400.6706 Flash 02, 1967 Flash 02 Internet Movie Database One-page cast listing; documentary; made in Spain.
0400.770922 You Don't See Many Pirates These Days Compiled by the Ioani Palace Irregulars Air Date: 9/22/77 Hawaii Five-O Cast, Crew & Synopsis. 3 documents, 6 pages in total.
0400.780125 Police Woman "The Young and the Fair" Aired January 25, 1978. Compiled by Des Martin List of Police Woman episode names and guest star lists. 17 pages.
0400.791214 The Orient Express(1979) The Orient Express (1979); Date of Air 14 DEC 1979; Episode Title: "Marie" 1 page, Cast list, credits, synopsis of first episode In French, original source unknown
0400.07 Honeymoon with a Stranger Aired ABC-TV All-Movie Guide Production credits, 1 page
0400.860000 La Vallee des Peupliers (1985); Tycoon Valley (1987) Tycoon Valley 1 page, Condor Films, 8/2/96 Limited production information. In English.
0400.860106 La Vallee des Peupliers (1985); First episode 6 JAN 1986 1 page, Cast list, credits, synopsis of first episode In French, original source unknown

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