A breatharian is a person who is nourished by light and has no need for food or drink. Breatharianism is within human potential, but for most it remains dormant. Those who feel drawn to living on light nourishment can activate this potential, but not said that it is an easy task.
One day breatharianism will be widely known and considered the natural thing that it is.
I made this page to: 1 Provide with information about a very interesting subject. 2 Spread information about breatharianism, making it more known and accepted. 3 Try finding a scientific explanation/proof of breatharianism. 4 Share with my perspective and experiences of becoming and being a breatharian. / Hopefully this page is useful!
May 31st to June 2nd I was at a seminar about breatharianism, held in Poznan, Poland.
I am writing a book about breatharianism and related topics! More about
my book on breatharianism!