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The Power of Water Water
Water is effective and powerful in a variety of ways. It is known that a person can survive for 2-3 weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Most people don't drink enough water and are in fact dehydrated without knowing it. Canned drinks, sweet liquids, coffee, tea, alcohol and similar drinks do not count, as they make your body lose even more water. At only a few percents dehydration, we suffer from things such as depression or slower thoughts. If dehydration becomes worse, we get paralyzed, and eventually die. Our bodies consist to a great part of water. The average person is recommended to drink 2-3 litres of water a day. Which is quite a lot.

Read: Water Cure - water's healing abilities!

Water's use in fasting
Never attempt a dry fast. See more about fasting on my page, Fasting. When you stop eating, toxins are released into your blood because now your body has the time to deal with purification when it's not occupied with food digestion. (I will soon add a page about detoxification.) When you stop eating, you are either starving or fasting. The difference is that during a fast, you feel fine, and during starvation it's the case of food deprivation, you hunger and want to eat. But in any case, your body needs lots of water to flush out the toxins which are released. (Toxins originate mainly or only from the foods we eat. Toxins are foreign substances that do not belong in our body and do harm to us.) If you don't drink during a fast, all the toxins stay in your blood, circulating all over your body doing a lot of harm that you don't want happening. So make sure you drink plenty during a fast!

Water test
There is a method of finding out whether you're ready for breatharianism or not. Breatharianism means that you take the step further from fasting and stop drinking liquids as well. But as I mentioned above, it is potentially dangerous if your body is filled with toxins. One way to find out when your body is toxin-free, is this: During half a day or a day, don't eat anything but drink lots of water. (This is safe to do even for those who would starve without food. Not even the most food-depending person is even close to dying on half a day to a day without food. Even if it may feel like it.) If this makes you urinate what seems like 'all the time' and only smaller quantities at a time, you have toxins to flush out and are not ready for breatharianism. But if drinking large amounts of water does not make you go to the bathroom more often than normal, and when you do you lose large amounts of water at a time, you can consider yourself more or less toxin free and only then would I suggest you can proceed with the attempt of becoming a breatharian.
Why this test? It lets you find out if you are filled with toxins or not. If you have toxins in your bloodstream, these will stay and keep doing harm if you don't flush it out with water. For your own sake, make sure you do a proper water-fast more than once before attempting to stop drinking water.
Why will a person urinate often if the body is toxic? It's because a person who is dehydrated - which most average people in fact are - the body knows that water is scarce and so, when you drink an amount of water which provides you with the water you were lacking as well as extra water that means that an amount can be flushed out, it does so immediately, but doesn't want to let go of water that you need. So when you keep drinking, it only lets go of small amounts at a time, to make sure it can keep the amount of water your body needs, toxic or not.

Too much water
Although water is important and we usually should drink more of it, there is something as too much water. A friend of mine experienced this. She drank several litres a day, and got 'addicted' to it where she had to drink her water all the time. It made her sick and the doctor of course told her to drink less, because her body was 'drowning' so to speak. It can happen.

If people should drink more, why aren't they thirsty?
Good question. People should drink much more water than they do, yet it has to become extreme until they feel an actual thirst of water and are forced to drink. My guess would be that people don't notice their constant thirst until it grows stronger. The same way as people don't usually notice how food makes them feel.

What type of water?
I am against tap water. It feels like something is missing in it. Perhaps it lacks those 'electolytes' which I like. Tap water is not natural water. How can we know that the way in which we purify our sewer water into tap water is an effective method? There may be more aspects to it than we know of. Although the city I live in has one of the world's best tap water - in fact it's supposedly so good that it is actually sold bottled in some restaurants! - my body says no. Good clean spring water is hard to find, expensive, and it's heavy and large to carry home. In spite of that, I sometimes treat myself with good clean nature's water. What about carbonated water? I don't like the carbon dioxide added to water, but do appreciate that there is a wide range of carbonated mineral water to choose from which also include several good nutrients in liquid form. But I do drink tap water too, as it's convenient and I try not to notice that I don't like it.

How to make water more appealing
Water takes getting used to. But it's easy to add flavor and actually more nutrients into it. An example is to add fresh lemon juice and a little salt. This creates electrolytes and makes it tastier. You can also add other citrus fruit. But don't forget that plain water is best. When you get really thirsty and could kill for a drink, what drink are you craving if not plain water?

Do breatharians need to drink water?
Many, define a breatharian as one who does not eat OR drink. Although, if a person does not eat, but only consumes water - especially if it is the nutrientless tap water - that person can consider themself a breatharian. No ordinary food depending person lives of water alone. So, if a person does not eat, but drinks moderate amounts of water, I would define him or her as a breatharian.
But do breatharians need to drink water? Some say that the breatharian source of nourishment comes from air combined with water, which make the base ingredients of nutrients produced. I, who go with the light theory, would say that yes water (with its hydrogen and oxygen) can provide with chemical substances in the production of nutrients, although light may manifest them completely independently. So for the most 'true' breatharian, there would be no need for water. But if the person is thirsty, he or she should, and must, drink. And preferably drink only water, unless the hunger is for another type of liquid but then it would be categorised as food I'd say.
Does thirst vanish for a breatharian? During the days when I have no hunger and thus don't eat, thirst tends to vanish as well and I don't drink. I would say that yes, according to my experience, thirst vanishes along with hunger. This can, of course, vary between individuals. Breatharianism hasn't been properly - or even much - studied, so I can only account for my own experiences as well as what other aspiring breatharians have told me.