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JULY 22 Hey, guys. Well, everyone pretty much knows the deal with Lauren not being a movie surfer anymore. Until I find out any further info, I'll keep updating. Coming soon: a new media section. The video from the home page is from Zoog Disney. C-ya! - JULY 19 Where is Lauren? She's not on Movie Surfers anymore! I know everyone is in just as much shock as I am right now. Some new girl, Alexis Lopez,

(This is her)
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is in her place. If anyone has any information as to why Lauren is no longer a movie surfer, please email me right away! Thanks.- JULY 9 Hey everyone! Good news...Lauren Matlby Connected is now open! This is the most awesome Lauren Maltby fansite ever! You have to check it out. And sign Rachael's guestbook while you're there! More pictures coming soon. -C-ya- JULY 6 Hey people! Today is the one year anniversary of the Dazzling Lauren Maltby! Thanks again for keeping it going great. I'm testing out some new backgrounds, ao this one most definitely is not the final one. I don't think it goes to well, but there will be others to test out, and you can give me your opinions on it. I've got some new pictures coming soon, so just wait. C-ya later! JULY 5 Hey everybody! I am superly excited! Tomorrow, July 6 is the 1 year anniversery of the Dazzling Lauren Maltby! Thankyou so much for keeping this site going through the good times and the bad. For instance, when the site was first at gurlpages. A majorly pathetic layout! This one's better...much better! So thank you once again. I do appreciate it. NEXT---> There is a totally awesome new Lauren Maltby site that will soon be opening: Lauren Maltby Connected. I am telling you, this is the most awesome Lauren Maltby fansite. Nothing beats this one. Mine looks like a piece of trash compared to this one. But, I'm really excited about it. I can't wait till it opens. You all just don't know. You'll just have to wait and see! I added it under the links section, although it's not yet ready. But soon, it will be! I hope eveyone had a great 4th of July. OK. I am seriously trying to make this site better. So far, I haven't found many resources for better webgraphics, and since I don't know HTML yet, it will take a while. I know this site must be terrible in most people's opinions, but I am really working on getting pictures and screen caps. Like I said, though, that will take awhile. Also, I have other ideas, but I won't tell you about them until I am sure of it... So thankyou to everyone! I'll be back soon with more updates. See ya! :) JUNE 10 Hey people! I haven't updated in a long while! I just wanted to let you know that I will soon, VERY SOON, be redesigning the site. To me, it looks too cluttered. But thanks to all those who have kept my site going great! I haven't added anything new yet, but I'm getting there! C-ya! :) APRIL 8 Hey, I updated again today. Not much, but I added a new section: Lauren's TV/movie stats. Check it out, click the link below. I may have left some things out, but I'll correct any mistakes in time. ALSO, just in case anyone is interested, I am working on a new site dedicated to Sarah Michelle Gellar. I know that one is gonna be pretty good, but it's still under major construction, and the layout isn't even finalized. You can take a look by clicking on the link below, but it isn't much, I warn you now. APRIL 7 Hey, people! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I've been super busy with school work. I was shocked when I checked on the site today...there have been almost 1,000 hits! I know I sound like the ultimate geek, but hey, this is my first website and I'm just glad it's doing so well. I'm even thinking about having a prize for the thousandth visitor, but I'm not sure if that would work out too well. I noticed that the majority of the votes on the poll were geared towards more pictures: I'll try my best. Keep signing the guest book, tell your friends, and EMAIL ME! Thanx! :) JANUARY 4Hey, Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a good vacation. I haven't had much time to update lately, but I plan on remodeling the site soon, you know, new theme and backgrounds. I would like to say thank you to the last person who signed the guest book...FINALLY someone else does! Lauren's birthday card is still up if anyone wants to sign it. There is a NEW POLL SECTION, and you could affect the changes made to this site! Click on the link at the bottom of the page. I hope to have more news on upcoming events, but just wait patiently, these things do take time. :)I will soon cancel the idea of the Zenon Fanfiction, because no one has sent me anything. By the end of January, if I have not received any stories, I will stop the fanfiction idea altogether. If you would still like to participate, abide by the rules and quickly email them to me. I would also like to say that I was very disappointed that no one bothered to email me to take part in the surprise for Lauren! And I even set up a birthday card for you all to sign for her! The webmaster of TLMZ was also very disappointed, but it is your loss, not hers... It is way passed Lauren's birthday, but if you're sweet enough, you can still sign the card. I'll leave it up there for a few more weeks, so hurry if you want to. I'm sure Lauren will appreciate it.


