
Foto Faces:
Every month, beginning in March, and ending in January,
one contestant entered in the Foto Faces photo contest will win
$150, and 2 mini-overall winners will receive $35 each if we receive
15 entries, not including any Free entries.
If we receive less than these amounts, we will pro-rate accordingly.
If we receive a great amount of entries during the year, we may add
extra Mini-Overall titles.
With at least 8 paid entries we will award a Free one year
** NEW!!! **
Glitz and Ritz Boutique photo contest is donating a 1/2 entry off
of their paid contest to each monthly Grand Overall.
On January 13th, ALL of the monthly winners and ALL of the photos
entered from the entire year of the contest will be re-judged by a new
set of judges.
On Valentines Day, February 14th, one Grand Overall contestant
in the Foto Faces photo contest will win.....$500; a FREE photo shoot
and photo spread from SUPERMODELS UNLIMITED magazine; and, a minimum of $100 for traveling expenses to the photo shoot!!!
If we receive a great amount of entries during the year, we will
add more cash to the traveling expenses.