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Welcome to the lair.

El templo de
de Leon
A Shrine for

My Soul Calibur 3 custom Characters

Last updates :
25th August 2008 - A few more SC4 Siegfried pics. Yeah, been a bit lazy with updates since SC4 came out. Thinking about re-making the whole site and neatening everything up but it will take a long while, so haven't been too motivated to carry on with this one or start the other. But as long as Siegfried is around, there will always be updates on the shrine - and I will take my own picture from the game at some point, hopeefully there'll be as many pics for other games as SC3 (even the older ones).
28th April 2008 - Updates my pics, new tattoo.
24th November 2007 - Updated "Why I did this" on the Siegfried shrine.

Athrans Schrein fur Siegfried Schtauffen

Drawing by Andrew 'Thrillerman' Fayne


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