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Okie look closely at his shirt, that's right it say, "2QT2BSTR8" other wise known as "Too cute to be straight". Now I have two theories about this picture, either he's trying to tell everyone something...which I'm okay with, I mean I live in a town where our motto is "We've got queers coming out of our ears" for gosh sakes...or he's just trying to be funny, which I think is hilarious, in fact I want one of those shirts...

Here are some from the really old days...

Okay I have to say something about his shirt, I can't let it go...Did they not have enough of one shirt? PLEASE someone, fire their stylist!!! I just can't believe that someone, anyone in their right mind would think that this looks good....Then again I'm just a twenty-something grad student, what would I know?

Want to be the dolphin...Want to be the dolphin...

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