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Mental Health

Mental health, mental hygiene and mental wellness are all terms used to describe the absence of mental illness. However, mental health is not defined simply as the absence of mental illness, as it infers the ability to enjoy life, resilience, balance, flexibility and self-actualization

A mental illness is a disorder of the brain that results in a disruption in a person's thinking, feeling, moods, and ability to relate to others. Mental illness is distinct from the legal concepts of sanity and insanity.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)

World Health Organization: Mental Disorders

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

American Psychiatric Association

NAMI: The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

National Mental Health Association


Children and Depression

Dr. Ivan's Depression Central

Depression Screening

Depression Alliance

Depression - Information and Support

Depression (NIMH)

Depression information and treatment

Depression Calculator

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Internet Mental Health: Internet Links

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Tips, how-tos and guides - Stress, anxiety, depression, helping others...

What is mental health?

Mental Health Resources (

Mental Health Internet Resources ~ Find Counseling

Mental Health Statistics

Mental Health Links - Mental Illnesses/Disorders

Mental Health (Discovery Health)

Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General

Mental Health InfoSource

Mental Health Law

Mental Help Net

Yahoo! News: Mental Health Issues

Stress Management and Emotional Wellness Links

Glossary On-Line: Psychiatry

Brain Development

The Teenage Brain: a Work in Progress

American Psychological Association Help Center

National Institute of Mental Health

SAMSHA's National Mental Health Information Center