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Multicultural Celebration


Map of World with Flags for Student and Teacher Country Origins
I put up a map of the world and connected yarn from the countries where students and staff members came from to the flag of that country. The children would get excited when they saw their country's flag.

Email Around the World Project
An interesting project I was involved in was sending and receiving emails from schools all around the world. I posted a large world map and posted the emails with yarn stretched from the email to the country. On the email I placed the flag of that country. Email Around the World

Monthly Multicultural Calendar
Prepare a large oak tag chart for each month. On this chart put all of the days of the month and the birthdays of famous people and important events. For each day list one item and try to choose items that reflect multiculturalism. Each month I would hang that chart in my room.

Multicultural Calendar


Holidays on the Net

Holiday Zone


The Earth Calendar

Multicultural Holidays

Multicultural Holidays (Ed World)

Ethnic Web Sites

Multicultural Holiday Links

Multicultural Art and Crafts

Multicultural Theme Preschool Activities and Crafts

Multicultural Art and Craft Lessons for Kids K-12 KinderArt ®

Multicultural Crafts

Multicultural Art Lessons

Multicultural Art Lesson Plans

Multicultural Art - TeAchnology

Multicultural Art links

Micositas: Picture books in English, French and Spanish etc.

Multicultural Book Review

Multicultural Resources for Children

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo Links

Photograph by Cybrary Man

Multiculturalism is a policy that emphasizes the unique characteristics of different cultures, especially as they relate to one another in receiving nations.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)
Preschool Activities for a Multicultural Theme

Multicultural Preschool Activities and Crafts

Multicultural Art and Craft Lessons for Kids K-12 KinderArt ®

Multiculturalism in Education WWW Resources

NAME: National Association for Multicultural Education

Multicultural Literature in the Elementary Classroom

Multicultural Lesson Plans and Resources

Multicultural Education and Ethnic Groups: Selected Internet Sources

Religions of the World (BBC World Service)
Overview of World Religions

Multicultural Education (
Multicultural Kids
Minority Links (U.S. Census Bureau)
Immigration History Research Center
Teaching Tolerance
Racial Issues and Identities: A Guide to Resources on the Web
Ethnomathematics Digital Library (EDL)
We the People: Asians in the United States
Global Gateway World Culture & Resources (Library of Congress)

Cultural Diversity
Diversity Lessons
The Crayon Box that Talked lesson plans

"The Colors of Us"
Social Studies Lesson Plans - Grades PreK-1

A Nation of Many Cultures (PBS)
Anti-Defamation League
NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
United Nations

Learning the Value of Diversity

Diversity Web: An Interactive Resource Hub for Higher Education

Electronic Resources on Diversity