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Wuz up peepzzz? me chillen.... well look at those piczz those are me and mah homiez at this one party the top pic is Matthew thats where the party was at, at his house but thats Matthew and Xymina and me we all faded and shit and theres the puppy right next to me just chillen, the middle pic from left is Fernando, Anthony, Mark, Matthew, Ray, Carlos, and on the bottom is Chris, and the bottom pic is all of us gurlz at the party from left is Mayala, Natalie, Alexia, Xymina, Amillia, and on bottom is Angie and Me we were all faded tooo that night was fucken crazy as fuck but fun as fuck me and my homie Xymina didnt get home till like 4:30 in da mornin but i didnt go home till like the next day at 7 at night it was Krazie and fun but ne wayz dont forget to sign mah guestbook and come back soon ~4~ more latazzzzzz...........

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My mom, Nephew and me

My mom, Nephew and me

This is me and my mom and my nephew at Christmas we dont get my nephew that much only like once a month but its all good and damn when hes down to visit im like a mommy over the weekend he sleeps in my room all his clothes and toys are in my closet i get up in the middle in the night to see if he okay or if he wakes up i gotta get up and rock him or something or stay up wit him till he starts yawning all kinds and just rock him a little bit more and put him back in the krib thats what happened last weekend but its all good im a good auntie and hes favorite to lol...

Me and my Nephew

This is me and my nephew christmas day my head is cut off but its all gravvy but isnt my little baby nephew so precious hes a brat sometimes and if he dont get what he wants then shit he'll whine until he gets it but its all good i love him to death and his b day is coming up sept. 25 he will be 2 yrs old.. i love him to death..

Me and My nephew

This is me and my nephew when i was 14 and he was only a month that pic came out all tizight i love that pic so much hes my little buddy.. love you boy forever..


Dont you just love my pics of me and my precious little nephew lolzzz...........

I Cry

I Cry

Sometimes when I'm alone I Cry, Cause I am on my own. The tears I cry are bitter and warm. They flow with life but take no form I Cry because my heart is torn. I find it difficult to carry on. If I had an ear to confiding, I would cry among my treasured friend, but who do you know that stops that long, to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by. Then to stop and see what makes one cry, so painful and sad. And sometimes... I Cry and no one cares about why. By Tupac Shakur P.S. I know your not dead or nothing i know you faking it cuz you faked it once i believe and alwayz know that your out there somewhere chillen somewhere in this world but this poem that you wrote "I Cry" damn it just makes me think so much i dont know what i cry about sometimes just cuz peepz dont wanna leave you the fuck alone or familia problems or just cuz you want to your alone ya i feel that to all day everyday but i gotta just keep my head up and try not to cry for nothing or for someone but nobody knows why i cry......

Shed so many tearzzz..

I shed so many tears each and every day, Cuz your not here to tell me its okay, I feel that you should come today, To see how im doing for now okay, Please *o* please dont make me cry tonight, I shed so many tears each and every day, I wonder if your still shining from up above, You were a good person making everybody just smile and laugh forever and ever, we miss you.... By: Kristina Marie Balicki In Loving Memory of R.I.P Adrian and Miguel Robles and Omar Quinonez.. P.S. the only reason i use and still shed those tears is cuz or of 2 yrs ago i got knocked up by my ex i loved him wit all my heart didnt know what to do when i found out that day when i was pregnant didnt tell him cuz my dad put a restraning order on him he was my everything when i found out i was gonna have a baby well i was 3 months down ther road my parents found out they got mad like a mutha fucka and took me for an abortion i didnt really wanted to i didnt know what to do cuz i was so young that time at the age of 14 its hard when your so young having both of your parents push you in something you dont know or dont want to do but i backed out of the first one they told me that if i dont do this that they sendin me somewhere and when i have the baby they gonna take it away from me i was scared cuz i didnt want my baby taking away from me well then we went to denver and i still didnt know what to do but i went through wit it and damn i regret it wit all my heart i still love my baby even though i didnt know what it was gonna be and it was just so small inside of me i regret it wit all my heart and if i would of never of did what i did and brought my baby into this world i would change my wayz no more gettin in trouble i would have a responsibilty and take care of it i see all my home gurlz gettin knocked up or having there kids most of my home gurlz are either pregnant or have kids i feel bad what i did but i was to young to understand or to do what was right for me the choice i made was wrong the biggest mistake in my life to all the young mothers and all the gurlz that are going what im going through make the right choice for you a baby is alot of responsibility you gotta be there for them and not just leave them there they gotta learn from you, you gotta be the best mom ever even if the daddy is not around fuck the daddy, if i had a wish i would make a wish that for all the guyz to go through what we go through for a day at least and to show them how hard it is for us if you wanna talk or anything please email me at i know it touched your heart to hear my story ive been throu thick and thin ive been what everybody is going throu ive been kicked out, locked up, its hard now im doing good havent got into trouble for almost a year but keep your head up to all the young single mothers out there.......... and to all my homiez that past away we all miss you and love you and hope to see you soon some day but for now R.I.P byee........

This come from the heart

My heart aches for you not being here by me, I wonder what happened to you if your okay, but i know your okay and your just busy, but still my heart aches for you each and ever day, baby i know we live so far away, but shit all i care is to be wit you today and everyday, i like you alot alot baby dont wanna lose you over nothing, but still my heart aches for you each and everyday.. By: Kristina Marie Balicki A.K.A Lil'B P.S. Baby I wanna tell you something from the bottom of my heart and you know who you are, when you said absences makes the heart stronger its tru it does my heart aches for you to be here wit me they say that long distance relationships dont work but you know what i dont care what they say distance aint gonna brake us up.. baby i wanna be wit you till the end of time but i know what you told me alot of things can happen in 3 yrs but baby i wanna keep you for ever and ever dont wanna let you go no matter what but for now ill just wait but i wish each and everyday that you would come down here to stay wit me for the weekend but maybe later when you gots time or something but ne wayz please just dont brake my little heart ive been hurt to many times and please i dont wanna get hurt no more but for now tell me what you think of what i said call me or whatever okay bye.....

My Poemz

The poems i wrote from my heart the first one is tupacs "I Cry" that poems is the best for realz then the second one shit that is sad i use to cry for him but nah i dont love him no more so i cant cry for him and my third is from my heart to my boo that i like wit all my heart but come back soon for more to read soon i dont know when though aiigh peace.......

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