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This page was made and is maintained by me ,the one and only ,*Britt*-Queen of The World(yeah I wish).I am NOT Heath Ledger and I don't know him or anybody related to him. If you have any questions,suggestions, comments,or you have a site you would like me to link please email me at

*My Personal Updates-I will try to sound intelligent :)*

  • I'm sorry it has taken me awhile to
    update this page but I've been busy with
    school :( and everything. Some of you have
    sent me really nice pictures and I promise
    I will have them up shortly.
    On a sad :( note I have discovered that a lot
    of good Heath Sites (,Heath Ledger
    Estrogen, have
    been experiencing difficulties with servers and
    don't work. Those of you that visit the messageboard, you can still get
    on to it through
    Once you're their click on LUSENET and then scroll down
    until you find "THE HEATHLEDGER.COM CHATROOM".
    --Britt 11/7/01
  • Well here we go again--I'm Really getting
    tired of all this terrorist , anthrax , plane
    crash crap. Most of you probably don't care
    since you aren't affected,but I am
    affected because I do live in Brooklyn [baby!] New York,
    and I cansee a little bit of the smoke
    from my house. And I have friends in Queens--
    Moving on--try to search for Heath Ledger at,because A Knight's tale should be on
    Pay-per-view soon!

  • --Britt 11/12/01