WARNING: photos on this page may cause anger or PAIN only view if your ready to may god bless you and yours....

Photo self Explanitory!

As This Super Imposed Photo Shows I am Sure there were many Angels watching over everyone Involved They are always there ;)

Again WE are Always Protected even though we dont think SO !

These poor people...... I have a hard time looking at these photos from time to time as well .... BUT WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS UNITED WE STAND :)
These Two Photos are of ground zero

The Pentagon After wards!!!
Smoke Faces.... this photo is the real photo it has NOT been doctored in any way and should be left to your Interupation ....

The Sky Line as it now stands with the GHOSTLY image OF TWTC

The WTC .... Another Shot of the Devastion of 9-11-2001!!!
The FIRE DEPT at their Best doing what they where called on to do ....

Again The NYFD at their Best

You know many havent come to realize the fact that date in it self was actually a Code...
lets break it down ...
9-11-2001 ok first off we all know: 9 1 1 is the Number to call For Emergencies....
now lets look at the year 2001 the 2 stood for (TO)
and most know: 0 0 1 is the international code to dial up to America so we have...
9112001 or 9-11-2001 the code ..... Emergency to The United States .... something to keep in mind :)