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    Welcome to the FANatic section! This part is especially made for FANatics like myself! I hope you're one of them! If you have anything to add, like a poem or something, please send it in! Thanx!

    The "You know you're a Fan when..."
    Honorary List!
    Do you draw Sankofa symbols on your books?
    Better watch out for the FANatic desease! It's spreading fast!

    Learn to say "I Love..." in 27 languages!
    Do you love Rebbie? Do you love Michael? Learn to express yourself!

    Janet Knows Your Age Game
    Check out this game!! It's not good for anything, but it's fun!

    Celebrity Fanatics
    Find out which celebs are FANatics too!
    I've got proof: pictures and quotes!

    Are you a fan in the area? Get in touch! It's free and it's fun!

    The Quiz
    Just HOW FANatic Are You?
    Take The Quiz And Find Out!

    Did you know this about the Jackson Family?

    Read or continue the Neverending Story "The Jacksonville Horror"!...Or send in something of your own!


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