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  • Breakout Magazine - July 12 2001 !

    J.Lo was dancing in one of her video's, de guys from *N Sync adore her and Britney is a fan since she can talk. Miss Jackson herself looks pretty amazed: "I've never expected that, I'm just doing my thing". And now! The charts are controlled by teenies like BSB, *Nsync and Christina. There you are as an "old" artist. "Fun huh? Its good to have competition from the younger generation. It keeps you sharp! There's enough space for all of us. I know the guys from BSB and *Nsync personally, and they are very nice."

    What if Britney or Christina wants to do a duet with you, who'd you choose?

    "Ouch, tough one. Well if I really need to choose, I pick Britney. She reminds me - more then Christina does - at the way I was when I was younger. She's happy, loves what she does and dances a lot in her clips just like me."

    Jennifer Lopez danced years ago in your "That's the way love goes" video. Doesn't it feels strange that she's now a superstar?

    "Things can be more different than you've expected, but I always had this feeling about it. I always pick my dancers myself and I never hire them for just 1 video, I book them for the tour too. She told me right from the beginning she wouldn't be able to do the tour, because she was busy with her own projects."

    Why did you still hire her then?

    "Jennifer had something special. Charisma. When she told me after the shootings she would rather concentrate on acting, I didn't make a problem of it. I could have been a bitch about it and keep her strictly to her contract, but we both shouldn't be happy about that. I'm very proud of Jennifer, she made it all by herself."

    Something different: Are you stalked a lot because of the song "Ms. Jackson" by Outkast?

    "Terribly! I thought: This can't be about me. I don't have a child and that's what they sing about, so it's impossible. But I'm asked a lot what I think about it; that Outkast wrote a song about me. I think it's about a person in general who happens to have the last name "Jackson". It could have been "Ms Johnson" or something like that too."

    Ms Jackson is about Erykah Badu.

    "Really? Are you sure? Did one of the guys date her?"

    Dre from Outkast has a child together with her. Both guys from Outkast admitted that "Ms Jackson" is about her.

    "Pffew, gladly. I was going nuts about all these people who thought it was about me"

    What did you think about the Mtv Icon show?

    "I felt very truly honored. It's so strange to hear such great artists sing my songs. It touched me, especially because they said I've been a big inspiration to them. That's crazy isn't it?"

    You really don't understand that you are a rolemodel to them?

    "To be honest: no. I never thought I would have such a big influence on the new generation of stars. I just do my thing, I make music. I don't necessarily have to win awards or be playing the big star. But I'm really happy my message is heard. By artists, but also by the fans."

    What message?

    "That no one should be doing what others say is good for them. Not by the recordcompanies, and not by boyfriends. My earlier song "Let's wait a while" is a great example of that. When a girl - or boy - is not ready yet for sex, he or she sould wait! Don't do things you don't feel good about. If you got a crush on someone, you don't necessarily need to lose your virginity."

    And yet you're singing very "heavily" about sex on your new album. Can you do that as a rolmodel?

    "It's a dilemma. As an artist you always have to lookout with what you do. The fans, the public, everyone is paying attention to you and the power you have is really frightening sometimes. But I want to stay true to myself, if I want to sing about sex when I feel like it, it shouldn't be a problem. I mean He-llo! I'm 34! The other day a boy came up to me and asked: "What happened with "Let's wait a while"? On your new cd you're singing something completely else" I said: "When I sang that song, I was 26. I'm now 8 years older. How long do you expect me to wait"

    Do you have a Parental Advisory sticker on your album?

    "No, I hate stickers! I do understand that for the younger audience "All for you" is a pretty heavy record, for them I've made a altered version. I've been asked to watch my mouth a little, but Hell no! This is me, this is what I wanna do, so accept it! I don't wanna live my life controlled by other people."

    Did you problems with that in the past? Did your opinion count back in the day?

    "Not as much as it does now. Rene took care of so many things, and I trusted him with that. Now I arrange all my business myself and it feels a lot better"

    It also saves money. He sued you for $25 million dollars right?

    "I don't want to talk about that. I've kept a sour taste from this whole divorce thing."

    Is he still threatening to write a book about you?

    "No. Everything is solved now. I hope..."

    Well, you can might as well confess a few things yourself! Where did your nosepiercing go?

    "I took it out for Nutty Professor II. I wasn't too happy with it anymore anyway"

    And your nipplepiercings?

    "They are still there!"

    And also the one on the very intimate place? "Byeeee! This is too private!"

    Do you have new tatoo's?

    "I just placed a Chinese symbol in my neck. It stands for balans en continueity. Those are very important things to me."

    How do you stay in balance?

    "By meditating and talking a lot. A Cowboy, a good friend helps me with all my problems. I can talk about anything to him."

    Does he looks like a cowboy?

    "Yes for real! If i go lunch with him somewhere, people are looking and you just see them think: "what is she doing with that weirdo?". But I have a great deal of respect for him. It doesn't matter how you look, as long as you got your heart in the right place."

    [N.B. Article Is Translated!]