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  • Larry King Live - July 2 2001!

    LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, it doesn't get bigger than this! An infamous showbiz family, a secret marriage, and betrayal. You have read the stories, heard the gossip. Let's hear from the legend herself. Behind the mystery, an exclusive interview with the ever- beautiful, ever-talented Janet Jackson. It is next on LARRY KING LIVE.

    It is always great to welcome her to LARRY KING LIVE. And tonight, an exclusive interview with Janet Jackson, her second appearance on this show.

    She's coming -- look at that face -- she's coming to us from Vancouver, Canada, where she kicks off her "All for You" tour this coming Thursday night. She is going to start at the General Motors Place in Vancouver, and that is where she is right now.

    This album, "All for You," is the No. 1 on the Billboard top hundred charts, sold over 607,000 copies in its first week. There you see its cover, the title of the tour is the same.

    Does it have any special meaning: "All for You"?

    JANET JACKSON, POP STAR: It's for the fans. That is the meaning behind it.

    KING: For them.

    J. JACKSON: Yes.

    KING: And you are right now in -- that is where you are going to be doing the concert, where you are sitting right now?

    J. JACKSON: Not in this actual space, but yes.

    KING: We see a shot of the stage now.

    J. JACKSON: Yes.

    KING: How many cities are you doing?

    J. JACKSON: Oh, gosh. In America, 58.

    KING: Overseas, too.

    J. JACKSON: Actually, 48 cities, 58 shows in America -- excuse me -- 45 cities, sorry, 58 shows. Yeah, overseas November, December, go to Japan in the beginning of the year. And as of right now, I'm winding up on Valentine's Day in February in Hawaii.

    KING: The last time we spoke, you were -- what -- on the "Velvet Rope" tour, right?

    J. JACKSON: Yes, well, I was preparing for it.

    KING: When you prepare for tours, you go on this show. That is the Janet Jackson motif, right?

    J. JACKSON: It seems like it.

    KING: Go on tour, you go on this program.

    J. JACKSON: Right.

    KING: Your Web site says that this tour will show off your newfound freedom and desire to have fun. Will you explain that?

    J. JACKSON: Well, that is what it says, huh?

    KING: Yeah.

    J. JACKSON: Well, you know, it's just in a different space in my life, and I think it shows on the album. And of course, I feel that it has no other choice but truly to show with the show, because there is a change within my life that has happened for the better.

    KING: Obviously -- we are going to talk about that -- because everybody talks about it, but let's hear it from your side, because it is bad to read rumors and the like. This secret marriage to your second husband is over now, right?

    J. JACKSON: Yes. But there are still some things we are going through, still certain legalities that are happening so I can't talk too much about it. But what would -- were you going to ask something about it?

    KING: Yes, a little bit. First, why was it secret?

    J. JACKSON: It was something that we both decided to keep a secret. I feel that marriage is very sacred, it is a beautiful thing. And I wanted it to be as normal as possible. Being in this business, I feel it is really difficult, that there is a lot of negative energy.

    I have heard time and time again lots of people, when you announce that someone is getting married, they often wonder how long it is going to last as opposed to putting positive energy out there. And wishing them the best. And I wanted to have something as normal as possible -- we wanted to.

    And we thought it would be best to keep it quiet. I think we were very successful. We were together for 13 years married and for 8, and I think a great deal of that had to do truly with keeping it a secret. Now, a few family members knew. And a few friends. Those who could keep a secret.

    KING: But you were married, was it difficult? Even though it was a secret to the outside world, you still were both married, you are in a career, that you know, where you get a lot of attention. Was it hard?

    J. JACKSON: Was it hard to keep it a secret?

    KING: To be married.

    J. JACKSON: To be married. No. Not at all. It wasn't -- I -- you know, it -- like everything, it has its ups and its downs, and it gets tough when you have that working relationship as well as being married, and working together. But it wasn't difficult at all being married.

    KING: And when Janet, did it -- I just want to get through this and then discuss a lot of other things. When did it get to be difficult because we thought originally this was going to be an amiable parting, that the two of you were very civilized about it. And then suddenly we hear it has gotten rough. Why?

    J. JACKSON: Yeah, I did, too. I thought it was -- part you know, on good terms and still remain friends, which is something that I really wanted. Because that is how we actually started: We were best friends. And then we have this -- attraction. It was -- I guess that is a question that is really for Rene really is, why? More so than myself. I think that is best way to answer that.

    KING: He is the one that has originally said -- he originally said, we just grew apart and we started going in different directions. Now there is a report that he sues you for $10 million, he is threatening to write a tell-all book.

    J. JACKSON: Yes, I have heard all about that.

    KING: What do you know about that?

    J. JACKSON: I have heard those things. We don't -- unfortunately, we don't speak anymore, but I have heard him say that it is not true in the past. But whether it is really true or not, I don't know, really don't know if he is going to write something or not, and if he does, I mean, I -- I'm not going to -- life goes on, you know.

    KING: Were you shocked by it, Janet? Were you shocked by his actions?

    J. JACKSON: Of course, I was very shocked by it. Did it hurt? Yes, it did because when you are with someone and you see a completely different side of them, you have the same views on so many things, especially marriage, and what you bring into the relationship is what you walk away with, and those were things that we had always talked about. And, then to suddenly see it -- a totally different side of someone that you never thought ever thought existed, that was -- it hurt. It really did hurt.

    KING: And do you know what they are hinting at with, tell-all? Tell-all what?

    J. JACKSON: I don't know. I thought I was quite boring. But maybe I'm not.
    I don't know. Compared to the rest of the folks in my family, I suppose -- tell-all, I don't know. I guess that is where the -- you make up stuff -- that is where that comes in.

    KING: When you see rumors about you, does it bug you? People write all sorts of things about the Jackson family. When someone gets as famous as you have gotten, does it -- I mean, I have seen people write that you were -- you liked women better than men, I have seen...

    J. JACKSON: Oh, yeah...

    KING: Does it bug you? Do you comment? How do you feel about it?

    J. JACKSON: No. It, you know, it doesn't bother me when I see things about myself. It bothers me when I see things about my family members. My brothers, my sisters, my parents. That is what hurts me. I can pretty much, you know, brush it off when it is something about me. It just goes in one ear and right out the other.

    And it is also about someone, next week about someone else, the week after someone else. And, more so than anything, it is people like gossip and they like to stay away from their own issues, I believe, and focus on someone else. And we are human just like everyone else and we have our (UNINTELLIGIBLE), and there are rumors that go on about us just like at their work.

    KING: So, for you, you are at the stage where you can just brush it off.

    J. JACKSON: Yeah, I have been there actually for a while. It is not the first time that it happened to me.

    KING: No. You have been on stage all your life.

    J. JACKSON: Since I was 7 years old.

    KING: We will take a break and come back. Janet Jackson kicks off her new tour, the "All for You" tour. It starts Thursday night in Vancouver, that is where she is at right now. We've got lots to talk about, we've got questions from our Web site, and we will be taking your calls as well. Janet Jackson is with us for the full hour. Don't go away. We'll be right back. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)


    KING: We're back. What a talent! Janet Jackson, always good to have her. Her new album, "All for You," is No. 1 on the charts, it's the name of her tour.

    Now, a couple of songs in that album. One, "Son of a Gun," in which you get mad at somebody about getting money to and call him greedy. In truth, you said I have a career before you, and didn't I? I had lots of friends before -- are you referring to your marriage?

    J. JACKSON: In truth, I am. Yes, definitely.

    KING: So did you write those songs or were they written for you?

    J. JACKSON: There was a -- all the songs on album I actually wrote, except for "Truth," I -- just conceptually with Jimmy and Terry. Terry wrote the lyrics for "Truth. " For "Son of a Gun" there was a line or two that I wrote in there, but the concept actually came from Jimmy, Terry and myself, and Terry wrote those as well.

    KING: Does it help you, Janet, to get a personal thing off like that, that you can sing about it? Sing about a personal pain, does that help?

    J. JACKSON: Very, cathartic, very. Yes, for sure. It really does. You know, as a kid, I never kept a diary, a journal. I tried, and I saw other kids -- when I did go to regular, normal school -- do this, and I tried so hard for years, even as an adult. And then I came to realize that my albums are my journals.

    KING: Yes. So you speak -- whatever you're seeing and writing about is happening to you.

    J. JACKSON: That's what I'm going through at the moment of my life, yes.

    KING: Do you -- what is life like now on the social basis? You -- you dating now? I mean, are you out? It's very hard to have a relationship when you're doing a tour like this, isn't it?

    J. JACKSON: Yes. We were talking about that -- just, was it yesterday or the day before? But, yes I do. I'm having a great old time.

    KING: I mean, are you dating? Are you going out? I mean, if you meet a guy now you're in Vancouver. You meet another guy, you're in Chicago.

    J. JACKSON: And what's wrong with that?

    KING: Oh, nothing. Does it mean many guys or one guy having to follow you around?

    J. JACKSON: Oh, are you saying am I committed to one person at the moment?

    KING: No, are you now active socially? Are you going out, are you seeing a lot of people?

    J. JACKSON: Yes,.

    KING: And after all this time with one person, are you enjoying that?

    J. JACKSON: Yes.

    KING: Because that's difficult, to get up off the floor. (LAUGHTER)

    KING: Not literally. Well, the dating game -- a lot of people don't like the dating game.

    J. JACKSON: Well, see, you know what? This is my first time doing it and I'm loving it. It's great. It truly is. It's like you normally -- you experience this in your teenage years, and that's something that I never really did. I mean, don't get me wrong. I didn't just meet Rene one day and then we got married.

    But I grew up a Jehovah's Witness, that's my mother's religion, still, and you're not supposed to think of dating unless you're ready to get married. So you can't do that unless you do that, so I -- I -- went out with James and then we got married, and I went out with Rene and then we got married. So those were the only two people I've ever really been with.

    KING: So you have never really had dating experiences until now.

    J. JACKSON: No, no, exactly. So that whole part of my life -- that's why I say I sometimes feel like a kid again, or a teenager, because I'm experiencing something that -- I feel like a late bloomer, that everyone else has done way long ago. But it's good. I'm enjoying myself.

    KING: Do you think you intimidate men? I mean, not because of the way you look. You're a big star and it must be difficult for -- typically, a nice guy to come over and say: "Want to have dinner?"

    J. JACKSON: My friends tell me that I do. They say because of being in the business, that I do intimidate guys. Well, that's what the song "All for You," it talks about that. I normally do the asking. A couple of times I've been asked.

    KING: You normally ask people out?

    J. JACKSON: Yes.

    KING: How do they react? It must be a nice offer.

    J. JACKSON: So far it's been all good. I haven't had any rejections or anything.

    KING: No rejections.

    J. JACKSON: No rejections, so that's a good sign.

    KING: I mean, the intimidation could come from the fact -- you are a Jackson. That's not your everyday name in this country.

    J. JACKSON: Well, I guess not.

    KING: I mean, you're aware that the Jackson -- your family is like -- you're larger than life in the American song and visual showplace.

    J. JACKSON: You're really embarrassing me right now. Yes.

    KING: OK, I'm only speaking the truth.

    J. JACKSON: Well, yes, I suppose so. Yes. Of course there is intimidation with that. I'm sure. I'm sure there is. Having six brothers, I'm sure that's intimidating to someone as well, and being the baby girl.

    KING: You no longer practice that religion, though?

    J. JACKSON: No, I don't.

    KING: We'll be right...


    J. JACKSON: Oh, I'm sorry.

    KING: Jehovah's Witness -- you're not a Jehovah's Witness.

    J. JACKSON: No, no, my mother was really cool. When we turned 18 we were able to explore other religions and do whatever we wanted -- if we wanted to stay with the truth, or some became Muslims, some Catholics, some are still with the religion. And I do believe in God, but I believe in a one-on-one relationship, and that's where I feel comfortable.

    KING: So you're not in any organized religion.

    J. JACKSON: No.

    KING: Janet Jackson, her "All For You" tour kicks off Thursday night in Vancouver. The album is No. 1, lots more to talk about. We'll take your calls as well. She's on-site in Vancouver and we'll be right back.


    JACKSON (singing)



    MICHAEL JACKSON, SINGER: I forgot. This is our little sister, Janet Jackson.


    J. JACKSON: That's right! I'm Janet Jackson, and nothing goes until I say "go."


    J. JACKSON: OK? Go.



    KING: Boy, that was something. You were cute, Janet. That was cute.

    J. JACKSON: I tell you that -- you Larry, you really know how to embarrass a girl. That is for sure.

    KING: Come on! It was adorable. You could have done a duo with Marie Osmond and gone on tour. The little girls with brothers.

    By the way, on this tour, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America -- one of the great charities, benefits a portion of the proceeds of every ticket, goes to support the club's education, leadership, arts programs. We salute you for that.

    J. JACKSON: Thank you.

    KING: A great outfit. How is -- do you how -- do you keep in touch with Michael and how is he doing?

    J. JACKSON: He is doing very well. It has been what, maybe a month or so, since we have spoken, the last time we spoke. He is doing very well. He is getting ready for his album coming out soon around September or so, I think. It is special.

    KING: Have you met his two kids?

    J. JACKSON: Of course.

    KING: Are you a good aunt?

    J. JACKSON: Well -- I think that is a question that you should ask my nieces and nephews, I try to be.

    KING: For example, I thought people tell me that Michael Jackson is a great father.

    J. JACKSON: He is wonderful. Wonderful father. All my brothers are really good with their children and my sister.

    KING: Is Michael happy about your career?

    J. JACKSON: Yeah, he -- expresses all the time, how proud he is of me. He's always giving me advice, slow down, look back, and enjoy, and, don't work too hard and, if this tour becomes too difficult for you, take your rest, take time your off. It's one of the last things he actually said to me.

    KING: Your family has been through an awful lot. How close are things now?

    J. JACKSON: What do you mean, how close are things? KING: I mean, are you close siblings? Are all of you in touch with each other? Is the Jackson family a close family?

    J. JACKSON: You know, I still wish that we were a lot closer than what we truly are. The most important thing is that we are there for one another if we need each other. We stay out of each other business. We have always been like that. And we won't interfere or, you know, just come in between anything unless the other asks for us to you know intervene, but we have always been that way. I think the most important thing is that we are there and we know that we love each other and we are there for each other. That is what families about.

    KING: We have a CNN.Com question asked by one of the people who clicked in: "Any plans to work with Brother Michael again or with any of the other boys, siblings?"

    J. JACKSON: You know, we have never talked about it, since Mike and I did "Scream" we haven't spoken about it. He did want me to do his special, I think in September it is, and unfortunately I can't. He actually called me a little too late and I have a show that night. So, I will be there with him in spirit, though.

    KING: Would you do an album together?

    J. JACKSON: I don't think so.

    KING: Why not?

    J. JACKSON: I think -- I can't speak for him -- but I think it would be a little too much. I love the fact that we did "Scream," it was very special to me, and -- sometimes I think less is more. So I'd rather keep it that way.

    KING: Our guest, Janet Jackson. The album "All For You" is No 1. The tour starts Thursday. We will be going to your phone calls as well. Don't go away.


    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So at this time to assist me in the next award, I would like you all to meet a beautiful, talented, charming young lady: My sister Janet Jackson. (END VIDEO CLIP)

    (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: Back with Janet Jackson.

    The last time you were with us, you told us how many nieces and nephews you have: I know it was over 20, right?

    J. JACKSON: Yes, I think it -- 20 -- 25 or 26, now.

    KING: Do you want children of your own?

    J. JACKSON: You know, it is really funny. The last time I saw you, I said no, right?

    KING: Right.

    J. JACKSON: Now that I'm not married, it has definitely crossed my mind.

    KING: You realize how weird that sounds. Now that you are not married, you would like to have children. Why? Why now?

    J. JACKSON: Well, it definitely has crossed my mind. It's not anything that I'm -- I don't feel like my biological clock is ticking and I have to rush into anything, but I have thought about it. And, actually, I -- I had a talk with my sister one day, my sister LaToya, and she made me realize a few things, and maybe, some day, I will have a child. Maybe two. I don't know, we'll see.

    KING: Because being an aunt, you know, is easy.

    J. JACKSON: I'm sure it is, compared to having a child of your own.

    KING: Don't you think, sometimes, you would make a good mother? I mean, you know...

    J. JACKSON: No.

    KING: You don't think you would?

    J. JACKSON: No. I don't. I really don't. That is -- that is one of my fears, actually, I don't think I would make a good mom.

    KING: Because?

    J. JACKSON: I don't -- I don't know. I'm so afraid, because there are so many things I want to do in life still, and I would never want to abandon the child, and that is a really big fear. There are people that I have seen that I know and they stick the child with the nanny.

    I think I mentioned this to you before -- and I never -- I never want to do that. And it is such a selfish thing. So I -- like, if I am to be a mother, I'm to be a mother, which will probably always be with me, but it is a fear of mine.

    KING: Janet Jackson is our guest. We will start including your phone calls. Lots more to talk about. Her brilliant album. Talk about some of the music, how she selects the music she does.

    Janet Jackson. We will be right back with more on LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away.



    KING: The extraordinarily talented Janet Jackson, her "All for You" tour, starts Thursday, and she's in Vancouver. That's where it kicks off.

    We'll include some phone calls amidst the questions. Jefferson City, Missouri, hello.

    CALLER: Hi.

    KING: Hi.

    CALLER: Ms. Jackson, you stay so physically and mentally attractive. What's your secret?

    J. JACKSON: Oh, gosh, thank you. Well, I -- I've had days of (UNINTELLIGIBLE), and it's -- it's been up and down for me through my career, throughout my career. But I have a trainer that I work with. I have -- that's always with me, Tony Martinez, and we work out.

    I've been pretty bad lately, but so many times a day -- I have so many hours out of the day. I have a nutritionist. I have a chef that travels with me as well. So I'm pretty fortunate in that way.

    KING: You once had bulemia, anorexia, right?

    J. JACKSON: Who? Who me?

    KING: Didn't you have those problems?

    J. JACKSON: No.


    KING: Did you ever have a weight...

    J. JACKSON: I'm not laughing at that. But no, I was -- did I ever have what?

    KING: There were reports I guess -- I don't know where this -- my crack staff got this...

    J. JACKSON: That I was bulemic?

    KING: ... that you had bulemia and anorexia. Never true?

    J. JACKSON: You have to stop reading those tabloid magazines, Larry. I told you about that.

    KING: I don't read them, so...

    J. JACKSON: No. I've always -- I've always had this thing where I've gained weight, and it's truly, honestly due to stress.

    Most people when they stress, or a lot of people, I should say, they don't eat. Well, I'm just the opposite: I do eat and that comforts me, food. So I have yo-yoed in that way. And when -- when I'm really at -- in the gray, and not so black and white, my weight is what it is now. So it's a matter of working on those issues and keeping everything in place, I suppose.

    KING: Have you ever had stress affect you like you ever have depression, you ever had -- really get you down?

    J. JACKSON: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

    KING: Yeah, you did?

    J. JACKSON: Yeah. I had a -- yeah, definitely. I had a bout with depression a few years back.

    KING: And how did you -- how did you lick it?

    J. JACKSON: Family. Friends, most of all. And more so than anything, I -- he -- he remains anonymous, and I like to keep it that way, I met a cowboy. He's definitely a cowboy, and...

    KING: A cowboy.

    J. JACKSON: Yeah, I met this cowboy. It's really -- I know a lot of people think, oh, this is not a true story. I was -- I met this cowboy, and my friends introduced me to him. And it was -- it's funny how God brings people into your life. And right at the time when I needed help, he was there and truly understood me. And I -- I'm not -- I don't let people into my life so easily, and there was something about him as to where I opened up to him. And I'm so happy that I did, because he really changed my life a great deal as well as my friends.

    KING: In other words, he helped you through the depression? He's not a doctor, he's not a psychiatrist. He's literally a cowboy?

    J. JACKSON: Yes, he is. That has he -- he used to be an entertainer. He understands a great deal of my life, and he's gone through a lot himself. He's an older man, and such a wonderful friend. And he really helped me through that time in my life, and continues to. We still stay in touch.

    KING: That's great.

    J. JACKSON: Yeah.

    KING: That's great. And you did it without drugs?

    J. JACKSON: Yeah, drug-free. Yes.

    KING: Wow. Detroit, Michigan for Janet Jackson, hello.

    CALLER: Hi, Janet. My question to you is more on your acting. I'd like to know if you plan to do more movies or perhaps one day even do Broadway.

    J. JACKSON: You know, that's always been a dream of mine, since I was a kid to do Broadway, because I -- when I did "Good Times," I used to go visit Michael when he was doing "The Wiz." And when we were on hiatus, I would go to plays and just watch "The Wiz" and Stephanie Mills. And it's always been a dream of mine to do Broadway. I definitely want to do more films in the future, and there are a couple of scripts that I've looked at. So it all depends on how -- if I extend the tour really.

    KING: You like acting?

    J. JACKSON: I love it. That's actually where I truly started before singing, before my recording contract. I was acting.

    KING: What -- an AOL member wanted to know what you'd have chosen for a career if it weren't music.

    J. JACKSON: You know, I wanted to go to school. After high school, I wanted to go to college and study business law. So...

    KING: Business law?

    J. JACKSON: Yeah -- yeah, I may have been the family attorney, something like that. I'd still like to go to school actually.

    KING: Is it -- is it tough being a diva? Is it tough when all the attention focuses on you, when you can't -- you go out of the hotel and there are paparazzi, and everywhere you go you're -- there's no privacy?

    J. JACKSON: Privacy. No, there isn't any privacy, and that is very tough. And I think we're all entitled to it. I know we're in the public eye as entertainers, but we're entitled to our privacy just as much as the next person.

    And I'm a very private person. It gets very difficult, though. It is -- it's truly hard.

    KING: No way you can -- no way you can have a normal life?

    J. JACKSON: I try. I definitely try. I go out with my friends. We hang out. And there are places entertainers can go and be amongst other entertainers, and people respect your privacy and they don't let the paparazzi or the media know that you're there, certain places you can shop. But it's -- it's hard even at your own home. You've got photographers trying to, you know, on top of their cars trying to shoot over your -- your wall or your fence. It's tough.

    KING: Well, for example, you're in a beautiful city, Vancouver.

    J. JACKSON: Yes.

    KING: Some of the great shopping areas in Vancouver, you and some girlfriends can't go walking down the street and window shop, can you?

    J. JACKSON: Well, we -- I haven't. I only went out once. One of the dancers, Eddy, it was his birthday, and so we went out to a restaurant, and that's all I've truly done since I've been here. It's been really all about the tour.

    KING: How many dancers do you carry with you by the way?

    J. JACKSON: Well, on stage there will be eight, but we have 10 because two are swings.

    KING: Ah, backups.

    J. JACKSON: Yes.

    KING: We'll be back with more of Janet Jackson. The "All for You" tour starts Thursday. The album is No. 1. More calls after this.


    J. JACKSON: Sherman, what's wrong? Sherman?


    J. JACKSON: Sherman, look at me. Who am I? EDDIE MURPHY, ACTOR: Pretty lady. J. JACKSON: Oh, honey.

    MURPHY: Oh, that's nice.

    J. JACKSON: It's going to be OK.

    MURPHY: Nice.




    J. JACKSON (singing)


    KING: We're back with Janet Jackson. How did you like working with Eddie Murphy?

    J. JACKSON: I loved it. It was so much fun. The crew was amazing. It was fun coming to work every day, and he was just a gem, and so funny with each and every character.

    KING: Amazing, the way he does it.

    J. JACKSON: Yes, it was the best time I ever had on a set.

    KING: Casper, Wyoming for Janet Jackson of "All For You" fame. Hello.

    CALLER: Hello, Larry. You're doing a great job.

    KING: Thank you.

    CALLER: And, Janet, this is not meant to embarrass you in any way. I've been a big fan of yours for a long time, and I have a lot of great respect for you because do you a lot of wonderful things that other singers in your position don't do. I just wanted to let you know that I purchased your CD before it came out, I special ordered it. And I was just -- I was rather shocked when I first got it because some of the undertones on it were a little strong, in terms of some of the language that I had found in it, compared to some of your other work. And just wondering why you felt like there was a need to possibly present that in some of the songs.

    J. JACKSON: That's the space that I'm in, really. That's why. Everything you hear on that album, it's within my heart and what I'm feeling. I've had people tell me that before, and I suppose it's getting a little stronger with each album, but that's the space that I'm in, in just expressing my feelings.

    KING: One of the problems, though, when you do that, is it does kill radio airplay, right? J. JACKSON: It can. Or you could be banned in certain countries, your album...


    J. JACKSON: ... which has happened to me before. But I -- I'm not going to change that because that's me. That's a part of who I am.

    KING: Chicago, hello.

    CALLER: Hello, Janet?

    J. JACKSON: Yes.

    KING: Go ahead, speak up.

    CALLER: Hi. I just want to say that I'm a very big fan of yours. And I was wondering, who inspires you musically?

    J. JACKSON: I grew up listening to all types of music. And my main inspiration is Brazilian jazz, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Sly and the Family Stone, aside from my brothers, my family. That's the music that I grew up on -- loving.

    KING: Did you like Carlos Jobim?

    J. JACKSON: Oh, my God, yes. Triste, Cesaria Evora, I love. I'm -- it's pretty eclectic. I mean, I listened to classical, because that's what my sister was into and we shared rooms as kids. And there was Carly Simon, there was Joni Mitchell. My brother Randy was into folk music, so it was a lot of different influences, really. And I think it really shows in my music. I still am a very big Aerosmith fan, and Zeppelin, I listened to, growing up.

    KING: Diversified.

    J. JACKSON: Very.

    KING: What do you make of Eminem and the controversy surrounding him?

    J. JACKSON: You know, it's really difficult to answer that for myself, because I don't know him, and I -- I don't like when artists bash one another. But obviously he has his reasons for doing what he does, and more power to him, really. I wish him all the best and I -- there are certain things I quite don't understand, but I would love to sit down maybe someday and have a conversation with him, and maybe understand his side a little bit more.

    KING: Paul McCartney was here about 10 days ago and said he liked his work.

    J. JACKSON: Yes? And so what are you saying to me? Do I like his...

    KING: Yes, do you like what you hear?

    J. JACKSON: I think he's very talented. I think he's very clever, but there are certain things that I don't understand. There are certain things, like with the whole, you know, gay issues that I don't quite understand. And why is that? And then he says don't take it seriously, but then why do you say those things? It's -- I'm just as confused as the next person, really. Honestly, and I don't think it's truly that fair to comment on it until I were to sit down and really have a conversation and ask him questions myself.

    KING: Fair enough. Janet Jackson's our guest. Back with more right after this. Don't go away.


    J. JACKSON (singing)




    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: First, a very fine singer. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Janet Jackson.


    J. JACKSON (singing)


    KING: Janet Jackson on Dick Clark!

    J. JACKSON: You are really going to have all my friends teasing me. I'm telling you.

    KING: You look 11 years old there.

    J. JACKSON: I think I was, what, maybe 16 or 15. Something like that.

    KING: You were cute. Oklahoma, hello. Oh, I should hit the button. That would help hello. Oklahoma, hello. (LAUGHTER)

    CALLER: Hi.

    KING: Hi.

    CALLER: Janet, I would like to know how much of an influence your brother has had on you. And also, I'd like to know how you and your brother Michael handle all the bad publicity. And one more thing, can my son say hi to you? He is just biting his lips.

    KING: How old is he?

    CALLER: He is 26.

    KING: OK, it sounds like you are 26.

    CALLER: No, I'm actually 47.

    KING: All right, have him say hello, and then she will answer the question.

    CALLER: Here.

    KING: Are you there?

    CALLER: Hi, how you doing, Janet?

    J. JACKSON: Hi.

    KING: Made your day, right, sir?

    CALLER: Sorry?

    KING: Made your day there in Poteau, Oklahoma, this will be the big thing at the 7-Eleven tomorrow.

    CALLER: Let me give the phone back to her.

    KING: We'll have her answer the question: Michael's effect on you and your reaction to the stories about the two of you. They seem to be in the newspapers every week.

    J. JACKSON: You know, we always talk about having rhinoceros skin, and I like I said before, it really effects me when they talk about my family members, but not myself. And you grow tougher as the years go on. There are always stories and rumors, and you grow this layer, this rhinoceros skin, you get stronger as time goes on.

    KING: Have you been protective of Michael?

    J. JACKSON: I have always been protective of him and, you know, when we did the video in the song "Scream," that is what it really is about. I have always been the little sister and always will be, that has his back, and I'm there to back my brother up with whatever he decides to do.

    KING: We'll be back with our remaining moments for Janet Jackson, whose "All for You" tour kicks off Thursday in Vancouver. She is going every right through the end of the year, including out of the United States, and her album is No. 1, over 607,000 sold in one week. Don't go away.


    KING: One more call for Janet. Lexington, Kentucky, hello.

    CALLER: Hello, hi, Janet.

    J. JACKSON: Hi.

    CALLER: How are you?

    J. JACKSON: I'm very well, thanks.

    Caller: Good. I was wanting to know, what is the process of becoming one of your dancers?

    J. JACKSON: Oh, gosh. It is just really matter of auditioning, when auditions are being held, and -- certain things you look for when we are auditioning dancers. But, a lot of kids came down to the audition for this project, for the tour, the videos, and, it was a wonderful turnout.

    KING: Your selection of music.

    J. JACKSON: Yes?

    KING: Does it -- do you have to love everything you do, or at times you will say, I'm not crazy about this, but I think they will like it?

    J. JACKSON: No. I have to like it. It has to please me first. I do it for myself. And once I complete the album, then I hope everyone else likes it. Really. Yeah, but it is I -- it starts with pleasing myself because I can't set out and try to please everyone -- or else I will never complete an album.

    KING: You have been working, performing so long since childhood. Sinatra told me once, he still gets a little nervous right before he goes out. Do you?

    J. JACKSON: No. I did the very first tour with "Rhythm Nation" -- that very first show, and I have been fortunate enough that that hasn't happened to me. But, when you get close to the actual first performance, it is the most stressful point, because you are tweaking the show and still trying to work things out, and you always wish you had more time than what you have. But somehow in the end it all comes together.

    KING: How is that arena in Vancouver, that General Motors setup? Is it nice?

    J. JACKSON: Oh, it is wonderful. And everyone has been so sweet here. Everyone has been so kind. And everyone is really work hard to get the show ready, and, we can't wait.

    KING: Exciting, huh? To go on tour again?

    J. JACKSON: It will be fun. Fun for us. I hope -- I hope everyone enjoys it.

    KING: It does take a lot -- by the way, does it ever happen: You are on stage, you forget what city you are in?

    J. JACKSON: Yes. Oh, it is so embarrassing. I did that -- I can't remember what city I was in. But I called another city's name. And then said, uh, I mean -- on the "Rhythm Nation" tour, I was so embarrassed. Gosh, that does happen.

    KING: Janet, thank you for a wonderful hour, much good luck. J. JACKSON: Thank you very much.

    KING: Thanks again for my braces, too, I love them.

    J. JACKSON: Do you?

    KING: For Halloween, yeah.

    J. JACKSON: Oh, so that is when you wore them?

    KING: Yeah, when else could I wear them?

    J. JACKSON: You could wear them on your show whenever you feel like it, Larry.

    KING: OK, I'll try it, we'll see what the audience thinks. OK, Janet, thank you.

    Janet Jackson. Her "All For You" tour kicks off Thursday in Vancouver. We thank you very much for joining us on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. "CNN TONIGHT" is next. See you tomorrow night, talking about drug addiction. Good night.