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This is hard to talk about,being diagnosed with breast cancer
I already have pages on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Atypical MS symtoms
Now I have my son to thank- Edward
for getting angry with me.
because I was so stubborn not wanting to go to the Emergency room.
Of course my primary Physician
Yong B.Chi,M.D. and the surgeon that found the lump,Manjushree Dey,M.D.
Even after I left the hospital 11/04/02
My surgeon was very persistant
when I was sick and she found out it was stage 1
I had a lumpectomy on 12/10/02 and Auxillary nodes and centenal dissection
I thank the Doctor for finding it in time.No cancer in lymthnodes!
I started on Tamoxifin right after surgery.

I still have to go for radiation treatments
there was no one in my family or history of breast Cancer.
Just like anything else that can stop you in your tracks.
This is just a start of a new journey.
When Edward was 2 yrs. old, we were in a house fire.
I believe angels and the Lord Jesus watched over us.
Now Edward was like that angel.
God seen it fit for us to be saved from a fire.
The only reason I was out in time is because a loud crashing sound
Which I thought was my kitten and puppy knocking something down.
The kitten had singed whiskers thats all, and the puppy
and Edward got out with me.
I give God the glory because we do have Angels watching over us.
Till the day we go home with the Lord.

I might be adding on to this as I go through treatments.
I also thank my husband Mike,for being here to help me
because I cant walk that good since I had Epbstein-Barr Virus which has been almost 15 years now.
Tell someone or show them love
because we never know when you will last see them.
My oldest son, Patrick knows how stubborn I am.
He would not yell at me.
He is almost 32 yrs. old,we had enough quarreling through his teen years.I thank him too.
Edward is almost 22 years old.
So I guess I let the youngest get to me.
Love Always
Carol Lamica

A update-Feb.2,I started radiation treatments on Jan.22,2003,
I went Only the first day of that week.
Was too sick to make it.
Because of siezures.The next week Mon.Tues wed, and Friday I went.
Friday I had to have a extra dose.
Probably because I missed 3.But with much prayer, from my prayer warriors from my OWLS MINISTRY and HOLY SPIRIT. CREATIONS,
and help of the Lord I get strength. My Oncologists took me off Tamoxifin until I am through with radiation treatments,
very nice man Robert M.Zielinski,M.D.from Roswell Pk.Community Cancer Network.
Also thanks to CCS ONCOLOGY CENTER ,KYU N.Shin M.D.F.R.C.P.(C.)
Also the staff at ccs who give me my treatments and are so kind and understanding.
I probably will remember the two ladies names one of these days.
Well that is about all for now.May there be people that are always thankful
for everyday you have,and God be with you and strengthen you always.

Feb.3, I found out the girls names that take care of me Linda and Ann Marie.
I thank them for there caring hearts, they always have a nice smile and a good word to say.
I also found out I didn't have a extra dose of radiation,they just measured the dose of radiation.
I also am glad that you dont lose your hair, and it only takes a few minutes every day.
There isnt anything hard with these treatments.
My problem is the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and having other symtoms,that were making it hard to get there.
These are not related to radiation treatments.

Update...August 25th,2004

My cancer drug was changed today.
Dr.Zielinski put me on Aromasin also a drug for breastcancer.
The Tomaxifen was causing Proliferation of the endometrium.
As long as my bone densitiy test are ok I can be on Aromasin.
This should hopefully eliminate the cramping and groin pain.

Bobbie. BreastCancerSite

CFS and MS Fatigue


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