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~Childhood Piano Lessons~

When my sisters were older and I was three,
My Aunt Tracy taught piano lessons to me.
Recitals would come and go through the years
I learned playing by ear,so I had many fears

Janet my sister could read all the notes
But I certainly did not earn any votes
When relatives that played classical music came from around the country to stay
My Aunt Tracy would tell me to my dismay
"Carol,Don't play piano on that day!"

My aunt was not trying to be mean you see
I was older than,and my Aunt was teaching a lesson to me
Instead of practicing,now I know what she was driving at.
I guess I had no interest in that, all I cared was to play with the cat

This might not sound like a very good poem
Hey... I am just trying to tell alittle about my childhood home.

Written By
~Carol Lamica~

I remember learning "The theme From A Summer Place"