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~In My Music Room~

Since I was a kid,
I was always pounding on the ivory keys
These are some of the fond memories that I have is...
at my Aunt Tracy's house she taught piano
and even while she watched me
I would always here the sounds of music coming from the studio.
Sitting under her big dinning room table playing with my dolls.
It was always the sound of up the row to a birthday party
Or other piano practicing that would go over and over again.
I started lessons at 5 yrs old or so.
But it just didnt interest me after awhile.
Maybe because of hearing so many practicing over and over again.
But at least my sister could play and read the notes.
I heard Mozart,Chopin,and than I had a Uncle that liked to write jazz.
So maybe thats why I have a taste for Jazz too.
Love Always
Carol Lamica

The Midi is BREEZIN by
George Benson
I will let you in on a little story
Promise you won't tell?
See a couple of my Aunts went to a music school in Sheboygan,Wisonsin
With Liberace
When I asked my one aunt Esther about him
The only thing she said was he was invited for dinner
and he was late.LOL.
I thought i would hear something spectacular about him.
That was before he was famous.
Sit and enjoy the music if you like.

My first award
Thankyou Jazz

Thankyou Bobbie


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