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Keeping a Journal

Keeping a journal can bless you down life's road

" MY JOURNAL SUN. 6/24/90"

9:00 P.M. My day was not much different except for I picked up a book to read "Hinds feet on High Places." By Hannah Hurnard. I'm writing this in dedication to my sister Norma

My sister is the one who lent me the book"Hinds feet in High Places" She died almost 3 yrs. ago on April 19, l999 she suffered a massive stroke. She went to the Kingdom of love. Which is our heavenly home on April 29th, 1999. Our birthdays were also on the same month and date 8/22. I'm the age she was when she passed away. Here is what I wrote in my journal I just happen to read. The book I was talking about I finally gave back to her shortly before her passing on. I wish I still had the book. I still didn't finish reading it because of my illness.

Finally what I wrote in my journal in 1990 My day was not much different except for I picked up a book to read "Hinds feet in High places.:" By Hannah Hurnard. I Tried to read it a year before that, but couldn't because of my illness. Now today I finally read four chapters. It's about a girl named "most affraid", who has crippled feet and a funny crooked mouth. Her relatives are the fearings who seem to taunt her and keep her afraid living in the valley of humility. It's interesting. It's about her trying to get out of that valley and she follows the Good Shepherd. She wants to get to the top of the mountain, but she first needs to find out about love, the"Agappe love". which is the sort of love you have in your heart towards other even if nobody loves you back. She is going through all kinds of trials and tribulations, and has "Craving fear" after her and wants to marry her. Also has a man named "Pride come after her and than "Resentment", "Bitterness" and "Self-pity". She is going through a desert with her companions "Sorrow" and "Suffering". But through it all the Good Shepherd always comes to help her when she calls on Him. Because He has Hinds feet and knows how to swiftly climb over the mountains with ease . He can get through every obstacle. We know that this is about the Lord Jesus. I hope I can get to have hinds feet someday as I go through the school of life. The Lord said nothing is too hard or any obstacle is too big to get through. When I call on Him He will hear me. Also I can hear Him, because He said-"My sheep hear my voice." He has a reason in my life why my companions seem to be sorrow and suffering.

Just like gold being in the furnace, when it's in the fire awhile and than taken out It is so beautiful. That's how he wants us to be before we can enter the Kingdom of love. No flaws, he reshapes us and perfects us and it might seem sorrowful for a time, but oh what a joy and peace and love we will have when we are made into refined and beautiful beings. What perfect love we will have in us. perfect love cast out fear, because fear have torment. If we have fear we have not been perfected in love . God bless the people who go through this and come out like gold. But I also want to bless those who despitefully use me Oh Lord. I know you take care of everything. I want to know ho to love my enemies and get rid of fear, bitterness, strife, resentment and self-pity and any other lust of the flesh that I have. Praise your name oh Lord. Make me into that honorable vessel

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