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~Awake from this cubicle~

~We Will Wake My Love~

Sometimes we are sheltered so much we forget

That being enclosed in this cubicle can bring us down quick

Release me to be, what person I pick

Than, our love will grow again,hopefully respect will emit.

Just like wine it grows and improves

but when it spills it is gone.

don't let it not be to late my sweet,to atone

can we iron the wrinkles,till it smoothes?

Feeling so much invulnerable,but free

what on earth is happening to me?

feeling out of touch with the world,

but in this box I feel secure

Its been too long my dreams now are a blurr.

Life has to go on will we ever wake up?

love is said to be blind, we filled this cup

Please Lord help me get through

I feel my insides are empty I played the fool.

Don't let this not be like yesterdays garbage

I pray the flames will not go out of this marriage

Yesterdays gone, tomorrow begins

Please Lord, bring our self esteem back again.

Let us wake up my sweet!
Let us wake up!

Instead of growing apart,
God willing; we will have a new start.

~Sorrow is not forever~

~Carol Lamica~
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