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((Just dont ask.. it was 6 yrs ago and we were bored!))

((Sweet Sixteen))

(( A group of the guys))

((Frank, John and Josh..))

((Me and Joey before my Junior Prom))

(( A group of us at our Junior Prom))

((Steph, Joey and Me at my Junior Prom))

((Me and Ant at my Junior Prom))

((Danny Mo))

((Gloria, Kim and Jess))

((Jacky, Rob and Jess))

((Me and Kev before my Snowball))

((The Girls before my Snowball))

((Nicole and Steve at the Snowball))

((Me and Nicole at my Snowball))

(( Just don't ask...))

((Early Morning Shot..))

((Kim and Jess at the Q102 concert))

((Kristi and Lisa))


((Frank and Kev))


((Memories of two weeks of fun))

((Kimmy and Chrissy))

((Me and My Best Friend at his Junior Prom))

((Jess and Jacky))

((Me and Jess)

((Me and Kristi))

((Tramps for Life.. haha))

((Group of my friends from my graduation party))

((My Twins.. Christian (Left) & Colin (Right)..I love them))

((Move-in Day...Me and My Roommate, Jill))

((Me and Buster Before the Alpha Phi Date Party))

((Me and My Roommate Jill))


Got More pictures? Email me with them.. I would love to post them....


Last Updated: 01/03/03
