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Jake's Links

Here is a collection of links for my favorite and most frequently visited websites. Some of the sites are for amusement and recreation whereas others are school related sites or other useful sites that I frequently visit.

Cool and Funny Websites

Star Trek Star Wars Visual Paradox Buddy Icons 1 Buddy Icons 2 Reflections Game
MazeWorks Pop Cap Games Zombo Com Weird Hatt Website Squirrel Website Ja Da
Physics Humor Movies IM Addiction Spank The Monkey 3-D Virtual Pong Listen to the Clues

Friends' Websites

Angela's Website Chris' Website Ben's Website Zach's Website Mike's Website Shantanu's Website
Diane's Website Justin's Website

School Websites

The University of Illinois Astronomy 306 Physics 114 Physics 225 Dorm "Food" Menu U of I Timetable
U of I Housing Gradebook Final Exam Schedule Physics Society U of I Tenant Union Illini Union Bookstore

Other Websites

Yahoo! My Yahoo! Google CNET ZDNet Dialpad Champaign Weather The Integrator

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Jake's Realm
Compliments of Jake a.k.a. MickeyJ