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Name: u can kall me Sakura or Qwen whichever you prefer!

nickname: Qwen

age: 15

b-day: June 12,1988

grade: 10th

status: single

friends: Everybody of course!! ^_^

Favorite food: EVERYTHING! LOL!

best known for: nice, quiet, shy, and sometimes acts weird and stupid! ^_^

nationality[ies]: Vietnamese

Hair color and eyes: black

favorite color: purple, pink, baby blue

hobbies: play in the computer, watch TV, talk on the phone, Cleaning, collecting sailor moon stuff, and I usually do my webpages of sailor moon in my spare time.....

things that I like: friends, shopping, going online, sleep, eat,anime (Sailor Moon and Digimon of course, and blah blah.....


AIM: aznbubbles05 or qu33nybaby07