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Series: The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 1986
Released Date: November 1986
Length: 40 Epi
Series Rating (Plot): ****
Overall Acting: ****
Maggie's Acting: ***

The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre is a story based on one of Yin Yong's most famous novel. This story focuses on two generations. The first generation focus on Cheung Chu San and Yan So So and the second generation focus on their son, Cheung Mo Kei. Cheung Chu San (CCS) is a student of Cheung San Fung (a great kung fu's master) and Yan So So (YSS) is from an evil group (that's how people called her people). Since they are from two different backgrounds and their people considered each other as enemies, this couple has gone through many hardships to be together.

CCS and YSS were trapped in an island with "Golden Hair Tiger King" (GHTK) and they became good friends. CCS and YSS got married in the island and have a son. Since they are afraid that their son will be alone in the island after they age and die, they decided to find out ways to get out of the island. GHTK decided to stay in the island and CCS and YSS left the island with their son. Many people were looking for GHTK because he got a sword that everyone want. People believe that if they get the heavenly sword, they can become the best kung fu fighter in the world. Both CCS and YSS killed themselves because of their past and they want to keep the secret of where is GHTK at.

CMK became one of the best kung fu fighters at a young age. Unlike his father who was sure of the woman he loves, CMK was not sure which woman does he like the most. He knew Chow Chi Yeuk (CCY) while he was just a young boy and he grew to admire her after he met her again because she was nice to people. Je Yee (JY) is not a pretty woman but she admires CMK while she was a young girl. They were cousin. Chiu Man (CM) was a Mongolian princess, who went to China, so she can help her father invades the country. CMK dislikes her a lot in the beginning because everyone believe this Mongolian princess is an evil person and their personalities are totally different. CMK is a quiet and innocent person whereas CM is a smart and straightforward person. CM starts to like CMK even though their people don't get along. They have many misunderstandings but CMK does have feeling for CM and grew to love her a lot despite of her bad image and hatred people have on her. Siu Chiu (SC) is also a smart woman but her real identity was a mystery to many people because people don't know where this girl is from. Even though SC is CMK's servant, he treats her very nice. That is why she admires him a lot.

Even though after many years, people still want to find out where is GHTK because they want his sword. People try many ways to make CMK tell them where is his stepfather. Of coarse CMK didn't tell anyone but he decided to go back to the island to warm his stepfather. He went to the island with CM, SC, and CCY. When they got on the island, some people already found his stepfather. JY and her master was also on the island. Many things happen on the island. SC's real identity was revealed and JY was killed. SC was actually JY's master daughter. Since her mother want to found out some information from CMK, she told SC to be CM's servant in order to help her out. Actually they didn't reveal their relationship until some Bosnia people want to take SC's mother back and punish her. SC decided to go back to Bosnia with them and become the "saint woman" so they won't killed her mother and released CMK and his friends. JY got killed so CMK thoughts CM was the one who killed her because she left the island. Since the island only have CMK, CM, GHTK, JY, and CCY at the time, CMK thoughts CM must be the killer and took the sword away.

CMK, GHTK, and CCY left the island. Since GHTK likes CCY a lot so he ask CMK to marry her. GHTK also disappear so CMK thoughts it was CM who has kidnapped his stepfather. CMK saw CM but he didn't kill her because he loves her very much. CM told CMK that she didn't killed JY but he didn't believe her. While CCY and CMK are about to marry, CM told CMK that she knew where his stepfather was. He left the wedding ceremony, which make CCY into great embarrassment...

Listen/Download (Whole Song)
主 題 曲 : 劍 伴 誰 在
主 唱 : 梁 朝 偉、梅 艷 芳

女 : 倚 天 劍 何 在
男 : 寶 刀 出 鞘 期 待
女 : 期 待 劍 開

男 : 問 蒼 茫 大 地 上
曲 : 黎 小 田
詞 : 黃 霑
劍 伴 誰 在
為 你 尋 遍 八 方 路
想 你 心 開

女 : 心 已 隨 風 中 笑 影
偷 偷 投 夢 內
迎 入 你 全 部 豪 放 姿 采

合 : 不 知 你 不 知 我
誰 武 功 厲 害
劍 是 龍 劍 是 虹
騰 躍 萬 年 萬 代
一 招 了 千 招 了
良 將 知 良 才
以 熱 誠 以 熱 愛
衷 心 喝 采

男 : 望 江 湖 七 洲 四 海
劍 在 人 在
仗 劍 行 遍 八 方 路
胸 襟 放 開

女 : 撫 劍 攜 心 中 笑 聲
輕 輕 投 夢 內
尋 覓 你 全 部 流 放 的 愛

合 : 以 熱 誠 以 熱 愛
放 盡 異 彩

Listen/Download (Whole Song)
插 曲 : 深 山 唱 我 歌
主 唱 : 梅 艷 芳、梁 朝 偉
曲 : 黎 小 田
詞 : 黃 霑

男 : 紛 爭 世 界 令 我 生 厭
到 深 山 唱 我 的 歌
女 : 歌 裡 溫 柔 陪 著 幽 夢
全 身 輕 輕 撫 我
男 : 冰 天 雪 地 裡 未 覺 得 冷
我 心 有 熱 有 火
女 : 將 我 燒 溶 融 入 幽 夢
男 : 甜 夢 裡 向 雪 海 穿 梭

女 : 偷 偷
男 : 偷 抱 住 你 心
女 : 偷 一 世 福 和 禍
女 : 和 你 和 我
女 : 我 心 中 注 入 你 生 命
女 : 赤 熱 情 如 在 噴 火
男 : 赤 熱 啊 噴 火

女 : 冰 山 裡 高 臥
男 : 火 山 中 側 坐
女 : 觀 星 醉 倒 萬 里 煙 波
男 : 醉 倒 萬 里 煙 波

Listen/Download (Whole Song)
插 曲 : 心 隨 流 水 遠

主 唱 : 梅 艷 芳、梁 朝 偉
曲 : 黃 霑
詞 : 黃 霑

男 : 風 雲 一 轉
女 : 心 隨 流 水 飄 遠
男 : 我 隨 緣 碧 波 上
合 : 讓 心 浪 輕 捲

男 : 因 緣 思 怨
女 : 都 隨 湖 海 飄 遠
男 : 我 隨 漁 舟 一 葉
合 : 和 自 在 結 緣

男 : 望 海 鳥 高 飛 青 風 在 耳 邊 勸
泛 舟 去 覓 你 我 自 由
合 : 遂 我 心 頭 願

合 : 江 湖 恩 怨 都 隨 流 水 飄 遠
我 浮 沉 煙 波 內 和 甜 夢 結 緣

To view larger version pictures, click on the pictures!!
Special thanks to Daryl and Mind for the pictures!
Special thanks to Raymond for allowing me to put these songs on Maggie Siu Sphere from his website.

Maggie got my attention in this series. I never knew who this actress was but since I like her role in this series, I begin to notice her. But I wasn't a fan though, just like her a little. I always enjoy Jin Yong's novel so this is one of my favorite stories. I think this story has great plot but too bad, Siu Chiu is not one of the main lead. I found this story very similar to "The Condor Hero" but after watching so many of Jin Yong's stories, actually most of his works share many similarities. Since TVB makes three version of this story, I don't know which one is the best, but definitely not the 2000 version though. I haven't watched the 70s version and that version is the most popular one but I did enjoy the 80s version.

* These are only based on my opinion, not on real rating for the series! The more stars mean the better. Five stars are the maximum!