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Welcome to my intergalactic home. Although space is infinite in the universe, my space here is not. So I will do my best to bring you some (out of this world) background sets in the space I have to do so in. Enjoy!

Here are some sets I have for now. More on the way.

Dogwood Sets

Artglass set

Celtic Lace set

Flame Dancer set

fractal set

Pink Rose Set

Tired Angel Set

bluefairy Set

Cobra Woman Set

White Tiger Set

Pink Angel Set

Butterflys & Flowers

Icus In my mind


Bubbles & Butterflys



The Gate

Soft Whispers

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Copyright is a protection that covers published and unpublished literary, scientific and artistic works, whatever the form of expression, provided such works are fixed in a tangible or material form. This means that if you can see it, hear it and/or touch it - it may be protected. If it is an essay, if it is a play, if it is a song, if it is a funky original dance move, if it is a photograph, HTML coding or a computer graphic that can be set on paper, recorded on tape or saved to a hard drive, it may be protected. Copyright laws grant the creator the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, perform and display the work publicly. Exclusive means only the creator of such work, not anybody who has access to it and decides to grab it.