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Columbine Faith

Cassie Bernall-November 6, 1981 - April 20,1999. Cassie Bernall's testimony is amazing, before she came to know God, she would accually write back and forth with her one friend, talking about killing her parents..After she came to Christ..her parents say "there was somthing different, we all knew it" she fully gave herself to Christ, was active in youth groups and just totally changed herself to live for God. Rachel Joy Scott- August 5th, 1981- April 20th,1999. Rachel Joy Scott totally loved the Lord with her whole mind,body,and soul.She loved acting,she wanted to be a Missionary and an actress. She has a relationship with God that most people at her age will never experience..she knew that 1999 was her last year and was not shaken,God prepared her heart for this..she was ready to go home.