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My Testimony

I was just like any other teen about 2
years ago. I thought there was no hope,no
light at the end of the tunnel,i had no
happiness,so i turned to
guys,alcohol,parties,and drugs.I started
lying to my parents all the time,sneaking was horrable.I accepted Christ while
at my friends house,her whole family were
Christians. It was the most awesome thing
ever, but i didnt stay with it. I went back
to the old me within 2 weeks,because i did
not understand the depth of it.Then i went to
TLC (Teen leadership confrence) at Baptist
Bible College. a bunch of christian teens got
together to worship, get to know each was soo much fun..and i got serious
then.because i wanted to know Him soo much
more..i started reading His word,and praying
all the time. He spoke to me,answered many
prayers..just worked in my life soo much. Now
i know my purpose in life.It is to get others
to see the truth..if you want to know more
about how Christ can do amazing things to you
and your life, email me <3