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Skip was 25 yrs old when he died
that foggy rainy Sept. night.
His death will always be a mystery,
but his car was found by police apparently
broke down with the flashers on & out of gas.
He was found 3 days later in the river,
so his death was an apparent drowning.
Altho the Missouri river looks deep,
it is only 4 ft in places.
A fall from the bridge where his car was
would mean instant death.
Skip had been in the Navy
& had always been a great swimmer,
so if anyone could have survived
it would have been him.
Why he was even on that bridge
remains part of the mystery,
but it is my guess that he was on his way
to see his sister & new premature nephew
in the hospital close by.
So many questions & never enough answers still,
but one thing will never change.
And that is the love that he had for all of us,
& we for him.
It has been said that the greatest loss
one can have is the death of your child.
Now I understand.

Written By: Skip's Mother~Linda





