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Don't Take This For Granted

We’ve come so far since we were young. But, all throughout the time we spent growing up we forgot to remember not to take it all for granted. Now with one and half years of high school done and two and a half to go...we’ve realized it’s alot closer than we thought. Saying goodbye to everyone will be extremely hard for us. We won’t want to leave, but I guess it’s as they say “C’est la Vie” (That’s life). We grow up, and move on because we have no other choice. We’d all love to go back to the age of innocence but it’s long gone. We’ve been through so much, and seen things that would make it impossible to be innocent again. The past 5 years have been this incredibly unbearable roller coaster ride. Most of us, living in hell in middle school. Too many of us tried to be things that we weren’t. And now that we realize who we are, and that being ourselves is more important than anything, is when i realize how alike we all are. Even with our slight differences we all love the same things, the same music, the same clothes, the same people. We might not always see each other alot, and we might not always let it be known that we still care. We may have been in life altering fights, but haven’t we all? We can’t keep living like we’ll be this close forever. Cause it won’t always be like that. No matter how upset you get with someone you have to realize that they might not be here tomorrow. Or that won’t be able to see their face everyday of your life. We won’t always have the nights we have now. We won’t always get to watch movies and lay on the bed. We won’t always be able to go out to eat. We won’t always be able to complain to each other whenever we need to get something out. All I can say is that life is too short to gossip, or misplace your feelings, or misplace an entire friendship; cause we need each other now, we need each other here. We need a friend to call when we’re lost. We need people to hang out with if we need to smile and laugh at how stupid we can be. When we need someone there to help us forget about the day, or week or month or even year at times, someone should always be there. We can’t just take for granted the time we have left, and the friends that we have now. We can’t let the little fights screw things up forever because when it comes down to it, we need everyone we can get. No matter how often you are disappointed in the other person you still know that you need them in your life. Keep your friends close, and cut your enemies out altogether. Concentrate on your life. High school isn’t even about high school anymore it’s about me and my friends and my families (my family family, and the families I’ve made with the people around me). “Family” will be the word of the next two and a half years. They’re gonna fly by, don’t let things slip out of your hands.