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......YOU MAKE ME HAPPY ......

This is me and Jeff

I am really glad that we're together. I have liked you for so long now, but I never had the guts to say anything. Finally, I just told you.....and it turned out good. After you asked me out, I walked around the corner and I started to cry. Mainly, because I'm a dork, but it just seemed so perfect. This is all kind of scary for me....I've never really liked anyone like this before. Do you know that feeling you get when someone you really like touches you? Well I've felt that before but it always goes away when they stop touching me. I have it all the time now, because of you. I guess that basically, I'm just so glad that I got to know you. And I want to say thank you for being the best person to walk into my life.

Jeff and I

The Stars

All that's not hazy

I'm watching

This is me and Jeff

*when you're gone my body misses touching you*