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Special From Lauren G.


We watched the stars fall from the sky
Your breath in clouds
Tears in my eyes
And being there I turned and knew
I'd never been as strong as you.

Another time, I told myself
When my heart isn't broken
And I'm in better health
I'll try to be more than what I am
I'll be less of a fuck up and more of a man

Maybe I should learn to know
That deep inside
Where light won't show
The truth is that she's sad like me
And its not about things like strong or weak

Its about all of the fucked up little things
Like Moments spent waiting
For phones that don't ring
And moments you realize that you're not enough
And moments you understand its not love

And the stars that streaked across the night
My back on the blanket
My heart squeezed tight
I started to feel that maybe some day
We'd both learn to believe in all that we say.

For Kristin, January 2002

Lauren Gullet