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Messages From The Webmaster

(JUNE 5, 2003) Hey, It's been forever, and I'm just now beginning to update the site. I'll be updating all this month, posting info, pictures, etc. Bear with me, and thanks! Also, if you have any info, pictures, multimedia, etc. on Sarah Michelle Gellar, please email it to me, and if I use it, I'll be sure to give you full credit. 'Bye! (APRIL 8, 2002) Hey, everyone. I'm the webmaster of this totally new site. Come here to find out about any updates and/or new features. For starters, I'd like to tell you my big plans for this website. Some of the things listed will certainly be for sure, but this website is so new, and it will take time to get all of these things together. Anyway, stick with this site, and you might be surprised. 'Bye.