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Season 4

Episodes 17-20

Absolute Power

The Harcisis returns and gives Daniel all the knowledge that is contained within his genetic memory. But does absolute power corrupt absolutely? Daniel become more and more irritable, arrogant and powerful until O'Neill realises he is in the position to destroy mankind...

A scary glimpse into why the Goa'uld are ultimately born evil. A great performance form Michael Shanks who really captures that naive, assuming, smart-ass, arrogant, Goa'uld attitude.



The Light

Several members of the SGC, including Daniel, begin to try and commit suicide after returning from a planet with a strange light. It is up to the rest of SG-1 to find a way to save Daniel who lapses into a comma, and awaits almost certain death.

A peculiar episode similar to some in the earlier seasons. Not bad though.




Carter discovers a cadet who shows great intelligence, and has the potential to join the SGC after she graduates. However Cadet Hailey seems to have a huge attitude problem and Carter decides that a glimpse of her future may help put her straight. Meawhile, O'Neill discovers his babysitting mission isn't quite as docile as he first thought, and he must decide whether to trust Carter or Hailey to save their lives.

A good episode and the debut of the much despised Cadet Hailey. (who appears again in season 5) Also check out the Audio commentary on the UK DVDs to hear Peter DeLuise, Paul Mullie and Joseph Mallozzi sing the elusive lyrics to the Stargate theme tune.

Nice. :)



(deserves an extra star just for the Lyrics.)


A computer entity enters the SGC's database and begins to read all the information within. Whilst attempting to destroy this being, it takes over Carter's brain, and begins to expand itself, putting Carter's life at risk in the process.

Strange but as usual, an entertaining episode. Just how many times is Carter going to have herself controlled by aliens? Haha.



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