These are my other neopets that are for sale.

6. Kirasho5757 - NEW!
Corresponding Item(s):Dried Apricots
Kirasho5757 is on level 7, making her worth 3500np.

7. Circla_of_the_moon
Corresponding Item(s):Bottle of Blue Sand
Circla_of_the_moon is a purple meerca, so she is priced at 3000np.

8. Starry_struck, pretty_snowflake2000, and special_petlia
Corresponding Item(s):Pickled Olives(Starry_struck), Pink Poogle Toy (pretty_snowflake2000), and Glowing Jelly (special_petlia)
All three of these poogles are 2000np, because they are limited editions!

9. Cinnix
Corresponding Item(s): Rotten Berry
Cinnix is priced at 2000np because he is a limited edition!
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