"dream it while you can" is intended to be a single point in space where various arts--music, literature, visual art--can interconnect. diversity of thought and culture is the ideal. "a brilliant career" is my original electronic project. this page will contain a constantly changing selection of mp3's, info regarding performances, and news concerning any upcoming album releases. "swayed" is my dj moniker and this page will hold setlists, mixlists, and info on upcoming events and residencies. the "literature" page contains both prose and verse, and will also be changing regularly. the "literature" page welcomes outside submissions of either short stories or poetry so feel free to email your original material. the "visual arts" page represents original work by a diverse group of artists. Outside submissions are encouraged, simply email the address below and send your work in gif or jpg format. anything that can be represented visually will be considered for inclusion, and any works accepted will show for one month. "dream it while you can" currently hosts one original painting on the "a brilliant career" page. my goal is to constantly evolve and grow. this is only possible with outside help, so submit your original works. email feedback and constructive criticism. feel free to link this site and if you enjoy the content: share it with your friends.
kindest regards,
Email: brooklyn303@attbi.com