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What's Up

"Shadow Force"

Directed by Fred Ray

Starring: Tim Abell ;-), Daniel Baldwin, Lisa Vidal, Hannes Jaenek, and Fred "the Hammer" Williamson.

Tim described it as a rescue/military type movie. It will be shown on cable, either Showtime or HBO.

"7 Days"

Tim started work on this series on 3/10/99. He plays a Gulf war vet. The episode is called "For the Children" Tim said it is probably one of four towards end of season. Will let you know more.


The Base

A review

From American World Pictures and Lion Gates Film Inc.

Directed and Produced by Mark Lester

Starring Mark Dacascos, Tim Abell

Mark Dacascos plays Major John Murphy. In the beginning of the movie he is sent to Mexico with a team to bring back a drug lord. Things go bad and he is the only one to come back alive. When he gets back he finds out that the drug lord is only a small player in a bigger game. He is sent undercover to investigate corruption at Fort Tilman, a base on the Mexico/California border. Some of the military personnel are suspected of taking bribes to let drugs come over the border. The Sergeant under suspicion is Michael Gammon, played by Tim Abell. Gammon was decorated in the gulf war but later cracked under the pressure and was over looked for promotion. John Murphy is sent in to get evidence against Gammon and to find out if the base commander is also a part of the operation.

John is sent to become part of Gammon's team. Gammon only wants one thing from his men and that is loyalty. There are 3 other men on his team but he isn't sure about John so he isn't taken into their confidence in the beginning. After a few border patrols and some fast-talking by John off duty Gammon decides to trust him. Gammon explains that what they are doing is only what they deserve. The team has recently taken a shipment of drugs, usually they only take the bribe money to let them cross but Gammon wanted more. He decides to take out the middleman and go in to business for himself. They hit other drug dealers and become drug lords, working from the Base. The team members are having a great time with all the new money, except one of them gets greedy. Gammon finds out about this and kills him in front of the others. He is pissed that he wasn't loyal and he makes sure the others are.

In the mean time John has been reporting to his partner. A female officer that he worked with before. He has gotten tape on Gammon but nothing on the base commander. John wants out because he has killed to get on Gammons good side. She tells him to stay a little longer to find out if the commander is dirty and he agrees.

John and Gammon go to Mexico to meet with the dealer of the drugs directly. One of the drug lord's men recognizes John from the hit on the drug dealer in the beginning of the movie. They pull Gammon aside and tell him that John is a spy. Gammon pulls out his gun and kills the man that recognized John. He decides to deal with this in his own way. He follows John when they get back to the Base. John goes to see his partner because he knows he cover is blown. He decides to go to the hide out to look at the books that Gammon keeps. After he leaves Gammon takes his partner and all the tapes John made of him. Gammon tells the others to find John and bring him to where they have the girl.

John finds the books that Gammon had locked away and it shows payments to the base commander for him looking the other way. One of his team members finds him and they get into a fight and John finds out that they have his partner. John wins the fight and goes for his partner. Meanwhile Gammon has been trying to get information from the women. She of course isn't cooperative and Gammon hits her. Gammon decides to make things difficult for John and calls the MPs and declares him a traitor. John slips passed the MPs and goes to confront the commander. He ends up killing him when the commander draws a gun.

John finds out where they are holding his partner. Gammon stays with the girl while the last team member goes after John. They shoot it out in the powerhouse where they have his partner. John out smarts him and kills him. The only obstacle left is Gammon. They confront each other and a hand to hand fight breaks out. They both go at it hot and heavy when Gammon grabs and ax and swings at John. John finds a long pipe to defend himself. He gets the ax away from Gammon then thrusts the pipe at him. It lodges in his chest and John pushes him up against an electrical panel and kills Gammon. The movie ends as john and his partner walk out of the building.

Tim plays a very convincing Sergeant that has gone over the edge. He is in his element in this movie. Giving orders and looking like a military man. When he shoots one of his men for disloyalty it was a shock to see. Tim played the wounded pride to the hilt and the others think, this guy is nuts!!! Mark Dascoscos plays his character very well also. He was an officer that had to pretend to be an enlisted man. Mark was very convincing in this role. The only other show I have seen him is "The Crow" which I also like. The only thing I didn't like was the canned music that kept playing in the background; it was really cheap sounding. The locations were good and Tim giving orders on top of a moving tank was great. The best line in the movie is Tim yelling "Outstanding"

OK so that’s my take on the movie. Let me know what you think and I will include it in the next newsletter.



The Third Degree

1. What was it like working with Mark Dacascos?

Mark was one of the nicest actors I've worked with. No attitude at all. During big fight scene I knocked one of his teeth loose w/ my right knee. He was cool about the entire thing. Had to take him to dentist ASAP to fix tooth. He returned ready to work laughing about it! I felt like shit though!


2.How did you prepare to play such a "misunderstood" guy?

The way I looked at it, I was looking for loyalty from my men, and in return, I would take care of them financially and militarily. Sort of a Robin Hood! Steal from the rich drug dealers, and distribute it amongst the poor under paid and under appreciated Armed Forces men who just happen to be me and my men! That was the bottom line, loyalty.

I found it a challenge to try and make Sgt. Gammon a charismatic and likable bad guy. A good leader who becomes disgruntled w/ the system.


 3.The fight at the end was very convincing. How long did it take the 2 of you to workout the details?

About.......1/2 a day. Should have taken few days to shoot, but time was running short. James Lew was the fight choreographer. Does most of Marks movies. We rehearsed the fight for about 2 hours before we shot it. Had a lot of fun!


4.During the fight you were swinging an ax at Mark, did you use stunt doubles for any of those scenes?

No stunt doubles during the fight at all. W/ the exception of James Lew covering for Mark when he was at the dentist.


5. Mark is a Martial arts expert. Do you have any background in Martial arts? If not is it easy to fight someone who does know martial arts?

Studied Martial Arts before, during and after the military. Have not studied at DoJo since 94. Boxed in the Army for 2 years.

Makes it a lot easier to fight someone like Mark, with vast martial arts experience. He knows exactly what he's doing and where his kicks and punches will land. And, he doesn't 'accidentally' knock out the other actor's teeth!


Rogue's Gallery

Laura Brennan

AKA: Winter

I'm a National Park Ranger working in Manhattan, yeah I knew some what of an oxymoron. I love horseback riding, cross country skiing (when we get snow), reading and playing on the computer. Love animals have 2 very old horses living at my sisters in

DE. Also have 3 dogs, 2 cats, African Grey Parrot, 2 Ferrets and a bunch of fish. I would have more but my dad would kill me! Love watching TV especially SOF. I also like classic movies like On the Waterfront, The Quiet Man, Gunga Din, Arsenic and Old Lace and stuff like that. Love thunderstorms and watching snow fall.

Melanie J Paull


I'm an accounts receivable clerk for a Satellite provider and an on-site caretaker for 10 artisan/hobbyist bays. I'm taking Flamenco Dancing & Aikido, love different kinds of music, unusual interests (i.e. Falconry, fencing, river rafting)reading, writing, LOVE good stories -movie/television. Passionate about SOF first Season! And most science fiction- especially Babylon 5!



I have my own business doing custom stained glass and custom one of a kind jewelry. I have a 12-year-old son, and am happily married. No wide eyed teenager here. The Base was o.k. (Tim did seem to steal the show), but I liked other of his pieces better.


Rachael Gruis

AKA: Liebchen

Home base: Utah

Hobbies: Reading, watching SOF, cross stitching and chatting with my buds on the computer!

Specialty: Work in a university library cataloging

Goals: finish my masters in Archaeology and be a full time archy.


Tobias Fransson

AKA Tobias (A sweed)

I like most, like SOF. I'm a member of both the Swedish National Guard Youth and the Swedish airforce youth. Other then that I like fiddle around with computers. Making homepage's, playing games and stuff like that. I'm a student. I also like to play real role-playing games


May Lauber

AKA: Raptor

I'm a civilian employee of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Contracting Division, Fort Worth, TX. I like reading, gardening, thunderstorms, watching SOF and college basketball on TV, and traveling around the country visiting kids and grandkids.




Age 30,zodiak Scorpio

From Ottawa, Canada (cold and boring) manager of optical store (overworked and underpaid) married,no kids

hobbies:driving my hubby nuts;keeping and breeding various snakes and reptiles,(about 33 animals in all)



Female, mid 40s. Professional musician and teacher. Loves animals, computers, sailing, and husband.



I college student studying history and education. I like reading, computers, movies and TV, (SOF!)


Dawn Tanzman

AKA Wydo...

I live in Sunny So Cal with 2 cats. Loves reading, writing, movies, cooking, her computer and enjoys bugging her boyfriend.

Thinks that Tim Abell is one of the nicest people that she's ever met. PS from Winter, I agree about Tim ;-)



AKA: Mary

location: Southern Arizona

currently unemployed...I like biking, horse back riding, photography, rollerblading, baseball, and hockey. I currently share my life with my cat, Petunia.


Duncan MacLeod

AKA: 'mac'

Occupation: Law Enforcement Officer

Affiliation: Edmonton Police Service, Special Projects University Of Alberta, Grant MacEwan Community College, Instructor of Scottish History

Hobbies/Interests: , reading, sharpshooting i.e. the range, athletics, TV...SOF, too!...Movies...tactical training i.e. SOF-type...

computers, electronics, Die-cast/scale-model modelling (cars,planes,etc.)


Suzy-q .

AKA: Maverick

I live on a farm. I enjoy sports and watching action movie and TV shows. I love watching SOF, it's da bomb. That's about it.


Ron Barter


Member of the Canadian Armed forces from 1984-89 2PPCLI 1990-91 Canadian Airborne Regiment From 92-98 I completed a BSc in Biology from Memorial University of Newfoundland

I build models, play battletech/mechwarrior, and watch SOF, I prefer the first season as the best, My favourite characters are Margo, Benny Ray of course and CJ, BRING'im BACK please!!!


Randy Ross

AKA: Rambo

I work for a banking company. I like watching SOF every week, firing down range, camping in the great outdoors, and fishing.



AKA: Banshie

I'm a student at NAU and I am majoring in Merchandising and minoring inAdvertisingi know a little karate (kenpo), i like horseback riding (western), reading,outdoor activities such as rollerblading and biking, i love watching movies(my favorite actor is TA *_*) and i watch some tv (SOF, seven days,pretender, magnificent seven). my aim name is Banshie21. and thats about all i can think of at the moment *_*


AKA: Benny Ray Fan

I love watching SOF, shame the show is gone... Love Tim Abell (guess you knew that) and I hope to see the movies this year. I love to play volleyball! Cooking is a must for me (specialty-Chocolate Soufle.


Sandy Pierce

I go by SANDY on the SOF forum but SAND4NOW on AIM. I know that is a boring nickname but it took FOREVER just to get a password accepted <whewww> I teach first grade in Pennsylvania...go to the shore Ocean City NJ any chance I get,I'm a beach girl big time. I'm single (well, have a boyfriend but not marriedyet). LOVE animals and to party and laugh.


Diane Powell

AKA: Lady D

Currently working as a software test engineer for L3 Communications,Ilex Systems, Sierra Vista, AZ. 22 yrs of Military service (Army Intel).Spent time in Berlin, Japan, Phillipines, Okinawa, Korea and Hawaii.Hobbies include, riding (own Arabian-cutting horses), reading, acting(community theatre), painting and "DANCING" (Ballroom & Country). My dream is to dance with someone who knows how to dance (and will leave my toes alone). I totally agree with Dancing being a part of the Soul. I am addicted and cannot live with out it.

